
The Columbia War

The stage for The Columbia War was set after the far-left New York City Ivy League administration issued another meaningless deadline.


Trials and Wars

The trial of President Trump is one of two major stories we are following today. The second is the ongoing war in Gaza and Israel’s potential response to the attacks against the Jewish state by Iran on Saturday.


TikTok, TikTok…

As Daylight Saving Time Rings In, We Learn That TikTok Has Convinced Distraught Teens to Dial Up Congress Over Ban Threat


Trump Threatens to Rule Like a Democrat

The Democrat party is up in arms (when aren’t they?!) over Trump’s plan should he win the presidential election. Apparently, Trump is threatening “revenge” against his political enemies, seeking to “weaponize” the DOJ.


More Woke Stuff at Target

Did you think that Target had learned their lesson from the big retail losses they incurred when they pushed their “Pride” line on American shoppers over the summer with their officering of trans-related children’s clothing?


Michigan’s Crazy New Gun Laws

Since Michigan voters ushered in an era of Democratic control in state government, the Michigan House, Senate and governor have been full steam ahead voting on gun control legislation.


San Francisco Cleans Up the City for the Chinese

When it comes to the homeless and drug addicts and keeping the streets and sidewalks of San Francisco safe for the people who live there and the business owners trying to make a living, the city of San Francisco hasn’t really cared much about doing anything.


Border Crisis Escalates

Northern Border Hemorrhages, DHS Director Denies Reality, and a Surge of Illegals Overwhelms Resources While Administration Prioritizes Elsewhere


Is “Genocide Joe” on the Outs?

Amazingly, all of the baggage that 80-year-old President Disaster brings to the Oval Office hasn’t really kept him from being the Democrats’ number one choice to be their 2024 presidential nominee – until lately.


The Tide Is Turning

While you thought the GOP was in trouble, it is actually the Democrats who are facing an internal religious war that is certain to tear the Party apart after more anti-Semitic comments from outspoken Democrats were shouted down not by Republicans, but by fellow Democrats.


The EV War is Not Over

Even though the Democrats have and are spending a gazillion dollars trying to push their EVs on everyone and get rid of gas-powered cars, they haven’t won the fight yet.


Dear Palestinian Supporters…

I hate to point out the obvious to all of the Israel-hating, anti-Semitic, pro- Palestinian folks out there who are justifying the terrorist attack in Israel. Here are some FACTS for you...


It’s Time To Talk Truth

..and the truth is, these butchers known as Hamas must be held accountable for the war they unleashed on innocent civilians in Israel two Saturdays ago.


WWTD – What Would Trump Do (and Not Do)

We all know that life would be much safer, much cheaper, much more comfortable, much more enjoyable and just all-around much better with a President Trump instead of a President Biden – which is why the Democrats are doing EVERYTHING (and I truly mean EVERYTHING) they can to keep Orange Man Bad out of the White House.


My Nominations for Speaker of the House

Now that Republican Kevin McCarthy has been ousted from his leadership position, Reps. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA) are vying for the position. But I have decided to come up with my own list...


Kamala Harris’ Pal Arrested for Fentanyl Possession

Remember back during the George Floyd riots when VP Harris was upset when some of the Black Lives Matter and Antifa criminals were actually arrested for things like murder, arson, assault on police, rioting, looting and theft? She had actually asked the public to send money into a fund to get these criminals out of jail.


Ford’s Shocking Decision and Biden’s Troubling Week

Yesterday afternoon, Ford Motor Company dropped a major bombshell on the whole EV transition when they announced they would be stopping construction on a controversial $3.5 Billion battery plant that is owned in large part by companies tied to the Chinese Communist Party.


A Law That Needs to Be Everywhere to Stop the Racist Left

All across America, when parents learned about the CRT (Critical Race Theory) and DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) crap being taught in their children’s schools, they started showing up at school board meetings to protest against it and call out the leftists for their racist teachings.


Impeachment Inquiry 101 and What it Means

Don’t get too excited about the recently announced impeachment inquiry that was made by House Speaker Republican Kevin McCarthy against President Disaster over his family’s business dealings and Joe’s personal enrichment from selling out our country.


September 11th – 22 Years Later…

September 11th, 2001. 9/11. It’s a day, like many others, that people remember exactly where they were when it happened. It was a surreal moment to watch what was going on in New York City, the Pentagon and in Pennsylvania.


Calling All Nursing Homes: Come Collect Your Politicians

As if things weren’t ridiculous enough with 80-year old President Disaster and 77-year-old former President Trump being the presumed nominees to run for president, then we find out that 83-year-old former speaker of the House and House Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) is actually going to run for office again.


Quit Driving Your Racist Car!!!

Our great and wonderful Secretary of Transportation, Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg, as I have said over and over again in the past, only has two priorities – and neither of them is transportation.