So when it gets down to brass tacks and the Democrats have to enter the realm of reality, men really ARE men and they have to register for the draft.

After all of their BS marketing so that everyone is forced to accept that men are actually women and are allowed in girl’s and women’s bathrooms and locker rooms and in women’s sports, the truth comes out that biological men ARE actually men according to the Biden administration.

Who knew?

Well, any sane and reasonable person knew of course, no matter what crap the Democrats tell us every day. But sometimes, the Democrats actually have to admit the truth once in a while out loud and in public.

The Washington Examiner reports that transgender women (biological men) must sign up for the Selective Service in the event of a military draft.

Yep, that’s right. The Selective Service System website says that U.S. citizens or immigrants who are born male and who have changed their gender to female are STILL REQUIRED TO REGISTER.

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Oh, no!!

But on the other hand, those who were born female and changed their gender to male are NOT required to register.

What kind of equity is that?

With Biden’s talk of nuclear armageddon and all of the stuff going on in Russia and Ukraine and around the planet, the folks between the ages of 18 and 25 are being reminded by the warmongers in Washington that it’s time to register.

Regardless of your transgender status.

As you would expect, the wokesters aren’t too happy about it.

But I expect the answer to this problem is to draft women too. After all, the Democrats have been trying to do that for a few years now.