Donald Trump was in Detroit over the weekend at the People’s Convention—an event put on by Turning Point USA and Charlie Kirk. It was a sold-out event for the 45th President, who is on track to get re-elected on November 5.
While President Trump was in the Motor City giving a free-wheeling speech to more than 15,000 people, Joe Biden was at a Hollywood fundraiser where he once again froze and had to be led off the stage by his former boss. This comes after the fiasco at the G7—where Giorgio Meloni and others were forced to provide daycare services for the fading President.
And with the poll numbers bleak, Democrats are getting ever more desperate and trying to find a way to win. One way they have used so often in the past is now being rolled out on steroids—just lie. Right now, they will lie about anything.
MORE NEWS: Bias, Bluster, and Big Wins
Next month, the City of Festivals will host the biggest political festival.
For four days and nights, from Monday, July 15 to Thursday, July 18, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, will host the Republican National Convention. But before President Trump comes to Milwaukee and accepts his party’s nomination for President, the circus must leave.
That is to say, Democrats must clean up their mess.
Only then, after they put their pride aside and lay down their PRIDE flags and after they stop acting like their party’s mascot —an ass—will Democrats not be a sideshow. Until then, we must hold Democrats accountable for the horrible lies they tell daily.
Until Democrats stop lying that Trump called Milwaukee a “horrible city,” until the truth prevails, we must persevere, and this is just the latest dishonest stunt from the left.
What we do know is this: Democrats and the press have acute Trump Derangement Syndrome.
And because they refuse to check themselves, because they refuse to do any fact-checking whatsoever, they say the most ridiculous things imaginable. No lie is too small, and no big lie is too awful for Democrats not to tell.
Rep. Bryan Stiel, who was in the room when Trump allegedly disparaged Milwaukee, says it never happened.
With each new poll showing Donald Trump on his way back for an encore in the Oval Office, the desperation grows—and so do the lies.
So, when Democrats pounce on the latest rumor, when they promote trash and call it news, when they say Trump hates Milwaukee, remember that Democrats hate Trump more than they love the people because the truth is, Trump is a friend of Milwaukee and Democrat-run cities everywhere.
Trump does, however, hate what threatens to destroy Milwaukee and other great American cities: violent crime.
Just two days ago, an adult and a six-year-old child were shot near Butterfly Park in Milwaukee. The shooting happened at 5:13 in the afternoon—rush hour—when people are headed home from work.
The reality of this crime is simply horrible.
The fact that President Trump understands this reality and refuses to accept the argument that the people or their representatives can do nothing to change it is itself a fact.
The fact that Trump knows violent crime is not normal, that we know he is right because we reject violent crime as the new normal of urban life—is a fact of the highest importance.
We also know what Trump said about Milwaukee.
He said, “We’re very concerned with crime,” meaning he does not want Milwaukee to end up like Chicago—a city where, on Father’s Day, 38 people were shot.
No one should want Milwaukee to surpass the Second City in terms of violent crime.
Congressman Bryan Steil agrees, saying, “There’s horrific crime occurring in Milwaukee.”
If Democrats do not understand that violent crime is a terrible stain, if they do not believe violent crime threatens to turn Milwaukee into a horrible city, that is their problem because the people certainly understand.
If Milwaukee mayor Cavalier Johnson is so cavalier as to believe violent crime is less horrible than what Trump says about Milwaukee, that is his problem.
If the mayor thinks violent crime is not his concern, if he is so obtuse as to believe his constituents agree with him, he should think again.
He should go back to school.
He should consider attending Ronald Reagan High School or the Golda Meir School, two of Milwaukee’s top schools.
The latter, originally the Fourth Street School, was renamed in honor of Golda Meir, the fourth Prime Minister of Israel, who attended the institution from 1906 to 1912.
Milwaukee, after all, is where Golda learned about America.
Milwaukee is where she became an American.
And Milwaukee is where Golda returned, if only for a visit on October 3, 1969, 52 years after she became a naturalized American citizen.
Back then, 11 months after the election of the man she would later call her president, Richard Nixon, Golda returned to the Fourth Street School.
Outside the city’s then-new Performing Arts Center, she said:
“I come back with love for the city, with appreciation and sentiment for what it has given me. This is the city where I spent my youth … the city where I realized that with all the privileges and equality the Jewish people have in this great nation … that the Jewish people needed a place it can absolutely call its own.”
How prophetic and tragic because Democrats are no longer friends of Israel.
The Democrat Party is no friend of the Jewish people—that has become painfully clear in 2024.
One famous former Democrat would mourn the party’s hostility today toward Israel and Jews.
Because he hated antisemitism, he would have no tolerance for hatred of Israel.
I refer, of course, to a man who left the Democrat party and saved our nation instead: Ronald Reagan.
Would President Reagan recognize the Milwaukee he visited on November 3, 1984?
On that day, a Saturday, three days before the presidential election, Reagan made the case for America.
He spoke of the choice before the American people, for it was a time of choosing, but there was an air of optimism.
Would this man, the only president born in the Land of Lincoln and the first Republican since Eisenhower to finish his term of office, speak the same words today?
We will applaud a candidate who speaks to the urgency of the present danger in Milwaukee and other great American cities.
We will vote for the candidate who will take action to save the nation again.
President Trump is the leader we need.
If Democrats disagree, so it is.
If Democrats insist on lying about their role in the subversion of our Republic, we will make the truth known, and we will continue to tell the truth about what is happening.
And if Democrats think this is horrible, wait till they see the results on Election Day when Wisconsin and the nation re-elect hope for the future.
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