Once again, Judge Juan Merchan, renown for presiding over the Trump hush-money trial, is giving Donald Trump the stink eye, issuing him a contempt charge for the tenth time.
But is the 11th time going to be the charm and get the former Prez locked up?
While Trump keeps getting caught up in his reality TV courtroom drama, people from all political backgrounds are eager to see him wind up in jail.
Democrats and TDS folks really really really want Trump behind bars for obvious reasons while Republicans aim to discredit Never-Trumpers and elevate Trump as a martyr, portraying the desperation of the Democrat Party.
The media would also like to see the Don in jail and are holding their breath, waiting for their ratings to jump higher than ever before for such an unprecedented Democrat accomplishment.
Greg Gutfeld on “The Five” on Monday said, “please, please, please” to the judge, begging him to lock Trump up to guarantee Orange Man Bad the election.
Trump’s freedom hangs in the balance…
The judge, probably trying to stifle his laughter, mumbled something on Monday about considering jail time for Orange Man Bad. Violations on Trump’s unconstitutional gag order are punishable of up to 30 days in jail but that, nor the fines he’s been getting (up to $10K so far), have been stopping Trump from complaining about his situation or the folks targeting him in court and participating in election interference.
$10K certainly isn’t much of a fine to silence the Trumpster. That’s less than he pays for a nice tie or a bunch of pizzas and drinks for the local firefighters.
Strong words from the judge.
On Monday, Never-Trumper Merchan said, “Going forward, this court will have to consider a jail sanction. Mr. Trump, it’s important you understand, the last thing I want to do is put you in jail. You are the former president of the United States and possibly the next president as well.”
Merchan continued to say, much to the joy and elation of Trump haters everywhere, “The magnitude of this decision is not lost on me but at the end of the day I have a job to do. So as much as I don’t want to impose a jail sanction…I want you to understand that I will if necessary and appropriate.”
A historic move to come?
What the judge doesn’t understand (or perhaps he does) is that he would be a historic figure if that happens. Merchan would be the man responsible for the first time in history putting a “president” in the clink. The pokey. The slammer. The Big House.
MORE NEWS: Bias, Bluster, and Big Wins
Does Merchan want himself to come up that way on Google for eternity? Maybe he does.
The gag order, which Trump seems to confuse with a suggestion box, tells him to zip it about potential witnesses and anyone related to the case. But alas, Trump has got the verbal runs and can’t seem to keep quiet.
Strong words from Trump. Come and get me, buddy.
That includes today when he said outside of the court room at his daily press conference, “This judge is giving me a gag order and says ‘you’ll go to jail if you violate it’ and frankly, our Constitution is much more important than jail, it’s not even close. I’ll do that sacrifice any day.”
Looks like Trump is aiming to be the star in a new reality drama called “Cellblock Apprentice.” Can you imagine?!
A life without McDonald’s, social media and a TV camera…
But fear not, because the judge has options. Trump could just be put in jail for a few hours or a few days to give him a taste of the life without golden toilets, manicures and Big Macs.
In the courtroom circus starring Donald Trump, Judge Merchan seems poised to steal the show with his contemplation of locking up the former president. While Democrats salivate at the prospect, Republicans eye the spectacle as a chance to spin their own narrative.
And while all that transpires, the media sits back with bated breath as the fate of America teeters on the edge of legal history, with patriots and Trump enemies alike wondering if the former president will have to trade in his golden toilets for stainless steel or porcelain.
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