The brilliant minds over at the RNC (Republican National Committee) seem to be struggling with something as basic as figuring out what day elections are held. At least, they are when it pertains to elections that are important to us.
I’m sure, however, they are FULLY AWARE of their own election on Friday March 8th for a new RNC Chair. This is a result of Ronna McDaniel, the current Chair, deciding to throw in the towel. Even her Co-Chair Drew McKissick is heading for the hills as well (Drew who?!)
Rumor has it that McDaniel was shown the door by none other than Trump himself. No surprises there – the signs were about as subtle as a sledgehammer.
In the midst of a potential Trump-Biden rematch, you’d think the RNC would be eager to drum up some excitement for the upcoming election. But alas, McDaniel, just hasn’t been cutting it which is probably the reason Trump decided to give her the boot.
A new Trump endorsed RNC leader to emerge soon.
Enter Michael Whatley, the North Carolina GOP Chair, who’s got the golden ticket – an endorsement from Trump. And joining him in this epic journey is Trump’s daughter-in-law Lara, who’s set to snag the Co-Chair position.
Oh, and did we mention they have zero competition? But Trump wants to win so he’s put together his own winning team, no questions asked.
Important priorities.
What’s Whatley’s grand vision for the RNC? He wants to be “laser-focused” on registering new voters and pushing voters to the polls. Not exactly revolutionary stuff but it’s obviously not something that McDaniel has been able to do very successfully for the past four years or so.
Whatley is also keen on running up the margin in key states and filing aggressive litigation. I can see why Trump likes him.
Members vote Friday.
Come Friday, 168 RNC members, including Michigan’s GOP Chair Pete Hoekstra, will cast their votes for the new Chair and Co-Chair. Fingers crossed, they’ll inject some much-needed excitement, organization and competence into the RNC.
Because let’s be honest, the RNC was about as useful as a screen door on a submarine during the 2020 election. And 2022.
But when you don’t even know the dates of important elections, how exactly can you be useful?
RNC emails Michiganders about wrong election day.
The RNC seems to have a calendar dyslexia problem. On Super Tuesday, they bombarded Michigan Republicans with emails screaming, “TODAY IS THE MICHIGAN REPUBLICAN PRIMARY ELECTION.”
Guess what? It wasn’t.
The actual primary took place on February 27th. The email blunder unfolded at 9:59 a.m. on Tuesday the 5th.
But fear not, the RNC, always fashionably late to the party, sent an “urgent” follow-up email over four hours later, this time in red letters and yellow highlighting, saying, “CORRECTION: TODAY IS NOT THE MICHIGAN REPUBLICAN PRIMARY.”
A classic case of too little, too late. Bravo, RNC, bravo.
RNC doesn’t email Michiganders on the right election day.
And so the obvious question is, did they bother to send an email out on the correct date so that they could send Michiganders to the polls to vote for Republicans? It doesn’t look like it. Our source didn’t find an email received by the RNC on Tuesday, February 27th.
So, dear RNC, we implore you – get it together. The fate of the Republic may not actually depend on you, but a little competence wouldn’t hurt. Just a smidge. Maybe get a Reminder App if that will help.
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