Collin Rugg, co-owner of Trending Politics, a website that has conservative commentary on news stories, has posted some older footage from October of 2021 on his X social media site that is alarming. The video was made as a call to action in the run-up to the fall 2022 elections.
Rugg links to a Zoom video of four white female liberal Democratic secretaries of state that he says are “conspiring together” about future elections. Daily Kos’ Communications Director, Carolyn Fiddler, is the host and the video appears on C-SPAN in a recording from the Netroots Nation Conference. The conference is a yearly event for American progressive political activists including grassroots activists, campaign workers and volunteers.
On a side note, do we really think that elected SECRETARIES OF STATE should be going to partisan conferences to strategize how to beat their opposition???! No, I don’t think so but I digress as usual…
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Rugg says in his post, “Middle-aged, liberal white women are the biggest threat to democracy in America. The Zoom call took place in October of 2021 and included Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold, Connecticut Secretary of State Denise Merrill, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson and Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows. The women specifically discussed the biggest threats to democracy” (which are actually THEM).
Maine’s Secretary of State Shanna Bellows (the first female one in her state) talks about “election sabotage” in the video and says they need to organize to make sure better leaders are in positions of power to fight back against it. She goes on to do some race-baiting and discusses “systematic voter oppression targeting specifically Black and Brown voters that is “rooted in White supremacy.” (that would be things like voter ID).
It’s something, she says, they have to “continue to do work on.”
I’m sure it is. Guaranteeing the illegal alien vote is next for them with the “federal standards” that Bellows and other Democrats are calling for.
Bellows makes it clear that she’ll use her position to make sure the Democrat agenda is followed including securing victories for social justice, climate justice and economic justice saying “we win” when they make sure “everybody” votes – saying that they need to protect “everything.”
As long as white liberal female Democrats control our voting process with their partisan agenda, Democrats WILL continue to “win.”
Bellows, as you know, barred Trump from being on Maine’s presidential primary ballots – so she’ being a good little Democrat and towing the line.
Michigan’s Secretary of State, white liberal female Democratic Jocelyn Benson discusses the “war on democracy” with the estrogen-laden panel and says it’s about a battle of “accountability” in politics through protecting “access” to the vote. Access, not integrity, is always the goal for the Democrat party, where ballots, not votes are the key to their victory.
Benson reiterates in the video the push to protect the Democrat agenda and how it comes back to protecting “democracy.” She says they need to push back on efforts to dismantle democracy by telling the truth that it’s not just an effort (by her enemies) to make it harder to vote (God forbid you have to
prove who you are before voting) but it’s an “effort to reduce “our” ability to hold elected officials accountable and make sure they represent us and our voices.” By “us” it’s quite obvious that she means Democrats.
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