As the election day gets closer and closer (269 days away now), the White House knows they have a flawed candidate and because Biden won’t voluntarily leave the field, they are going to do a few short-term things to make him appear to be competent and to make it look like he’s actually tackling the big issues of the day.

But what’s really happening is that Biden’s polling is in the tank and Biden is losing lots of key voters: the anti-Semites, Blacks, hispanics and the the youth. So SOMETHING has to be done.

That “something” is coming from a few different directions…

Taking sides with Pro-Palestians.

First, Biden is getting some rhetoric out there that he’s not quite as pro-Israel as it seems and he’s actively looking to negotiate a cease fire or some kind of “pause” in the fighting between Israel and Hamas.

So although the Israel-haters don’t make up the majority of the Democrat voters, Biden is not above selling out Israel – or at least looking like he is. If he doesn’t at least appear to be sympathetic to the pro-Palestinian/pro-Hamas Democrats (especially in Dearborn and Detroit), he’s going to lose Michigan.

Slowing down the EV mandates.

Secondly, we have the climate change crap. Even Biden is not stupid enough to think we’re all going to ditch our fossil fuel cars for EVs. And the automakers and union folks aren’t happy with the whole thing either. So Biden is selling out his greenie friends and is slowing down the rollout of the transition to EVs.

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It iS an election year, after all.

And thirdly we have the Bidenator thinking about selling out his future voters – his illegal alien pals that he’s invested so much time and money in.

Say it ain’t so, Joe.

Acting like Trump on the border.

Yes, Biden is thinking about issuing an Executive Order. To do what? To put the whole asylum thing back to the way it was when Trump was president so the foreigner frauds can’t come into the country by fraudulently claiming asylum.

That can’t possibly be right, can it? Old Joe is going to implement a Islamophobic, sexist, racist, Homophobic, Xenophobic, Arachnophobic, Claustrophobic and evil Trump-style order to keep illegal aliens from invading the country?

How is this even possible?

Oh yeah… it’s an election year.

But don’t worry. Biden has already allowed about 10 million or more illegal aliens to invade the country so that they can vote for Democrats someday.

Job well done, Joey.