Don’t worry. It’s for your own good. They’re trying to save you. The democrats always have good intentions, right? 

Looks like tyrannical House Democrat Rep. Bobby Rush from Illinois, 44 other democrats and one republican from New Jersey want to track your movements under the guise of saving your life and others from COVID-19. By getting the republican on board, that lets them go around and jokingly call the bill “bipartisan.” 

They’re come up with a bill to fund the tracing of people who have come in contact with COVID-19 infected friends and relatives and to hunt them down. The $100 billion of taxpayer money in this bill is in the form of grant money to eligible entities. These entities include health centers, school clinics, non-profit organizations and the general phrase “any other type of entity that is determined by the Secretary to be an eligible entity for purposes of this section.” 

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So that means entities who are democrat donors, George Soros and illegal alien organizations will be raking in the cash for this surveillance program. These entities will find individuals to come to your house after they’re received information that you’ve come in contact with a COVID-19 infected person. They’ll test you and quarantine you to your home if you are positive and then you’ll be in their database. 

I wasn’t aware that the constitution allowed the government – or any of their paid off friends – to track me. I believe the fourth amendment keeps them from spying on me and it keeps them out of my house. (Of course that didn’t work out so well when Obama went after Trump, did it?) 

Pretty sure the wording in the fourth amendment says “the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects.” That pretty much prohibits them from testing me too. 

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But then again… since when do the democrats care about the constitution? Have any of them ever even read it? Probably not. At least, it doesn’t appear that they have. 

The name of this nazi legislation is called “COVID-19 Testing Reaching and Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act.” and two of the co-sponsors are (of course) Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Rashida Tlaib. 

The bill is numbered HR 6666. I think God is trying to tell them something. But they probably don’t believe in God either. 

Keep your doors locked, your dog on high alert and your curtains drawn. If the government finds you have interacted with a possible COVID-19 infected person, they ARE coming for you. Or at least their eligible entities are. 

Not sure exactly how they’ll force you to stay your home under quarantine but I’m sure they’re working on that.