Martha’s Vineyard, the self-proclaimed beacon of tolerance and inclusivity, is back at it again – virtue signaling from a comfortable distance. Apparently, they didn’t learn their lesson the last time they championed illegal aliens in theory but not in practice – when a group of illegal aliens was transported to their elite enclave and then swiftly relocated elsewhere within 48 hours.

Since bashing Trump is their favorite pastime, these older, white, privileged residents are back to cheering for illegal aliens – conveniently forgetting how quickly they booted them last time, faster than an overbooked Airbnb guest.

In the latest display of performative compassion, vineyard elites are waxing poetic about the struggles of illegal aliens with signs that read “I pledge to resist” and “Protect people, resist hate.”

Vineyarders rally for immigration protections 

As crime spikes in sanctuary cities across the country – thanks to policies these same Vineyard progressives cheer for from their pristine, gated properties – it might be time for another round of reality checks.

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Perhaps the next batch of criminals that border czar Tom Homan rounds up should be sent to Martha’s Vineyard instead of Gitmo. After all, shouldn’t the most compassionate Democratic zip codes take the lead in sharing the burden and have to deal with the consequences of Biden’s open borders?

If the Vineyard’s residents want to defend illegal aliens – fantastic! Let’s send a few thousand their way and see just how deep their hospitality runs.

Of course, we all know what would really happen. They would be making emergency phone calls to 911, the Border Patrol and the National Guard.