Donald Trump’s America First remix is getting louder and louder, and some folks aren’t loving the beat – especially the illegal aliens who are murderers, pedophiles, and child rapists who’ve been hiding under the oh-so-comfortable blanket of Democratic “sanctuary city” policies.

Amazingly (or not), rounding up these criminals and perverts isn’t looking so difficult. In fact, it’s looking like they’re pretty easy to find – and to take into custody. And Former ICE Director, now Border Czar, Tom Homan, is doing it loud and strong for all to see.

Recently, Chicago took center stage when a bold ICE raid (with Dr. Phil) revealed how Trump’s agenda is shining a spotlight on some seriously dark corners. Cities like Chicago have become VIP lounges for illegal alien criminals, but Trump’s team is here to pull the fire alarm and adios the bad folks.

For years, politicians in places like Chicago have patted themselves on the back for being “compassionate.” But when compassion amounts to shielding murderers and pedophiles from deportation, you might want to rethink the PR strategy.

Trump’s crackdown isn’t just about upholding the law – it’s about protecting the vulnerable. You know, the people sanctuary city advocates claim they care about.

The Chicago raid, that had Dr. Phil embedded with ICE over the weekend, according to the Daily Mail, laid bare the dangerous reality: sanctuary city policies have turned cities into predator havens. Asked if he was charged with sex crimes against children, the illegal alien from Thailand told Dr. Phil, “not really” and also didn’t admit to having been deported in the past.

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Despite the denials of the criminals, one by one, ICE agents showed America exactly who sanctuary policies protect – and spoiler alert, it’s not law-abiding citizens. Instead, it’s people who should be nowhere near our kids, our streets, or our neighborhoods. And Trump is protecting communities and children from these criminals.

More and more, the Democrats are going to have a tough time defending these criminals. Yes, they’ll keep trying as long as they can – but reality, as it often does, exposes the left for not just their incompetence, but their evil.