There’s a new sheriff in town – and he’s moving at the speed of light. Once Trump stepped into the White House, a lot of things changed – including the shut down of the Biden-Harris administration’s much-touted abortion website, That’s right, according to Townhall, the government-sponsored website that advocates the killing of babies is no more.

The site, a cornerstone of the administration’s crusade for “reproductive freedom” in 2022 as a response to the Supreme Court’s ruling of Roe v. Wade, that helped underage girls get abortions and find the money to do so, is G-O-N-E.

The website, which Democrats offered as a beacon of information, directing women and girls to abortion services, legal advice, and resources to navigate the patchwork of state laws after Roe’s demise are now greeted with error messages and blank pages.

The supporters of killing babies, of course, are apoplectic and saying it’s an assault on “freedom” not concerned at all about the website being an assault on babies for years.

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