It was barely four weeks ago that the buzz in the Democrat Party was, “How can we dump Kamala Harris off the ticket as Vice President?” And why was that the buzz?
It was just last year that an NBC News poll showed Kamala Harris was the least popular vice president of all time with just a 32% favorability rating. Now, the buzz and the hardcore messaging has suddenly become something along the lines of “Kamala Harris is our savior, our beacon, and our best hope to defeat Donald Trump!”
That seems like a radical change and an almost impossible lift that the geniuses on Madison Avenue couldn’t handle.
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But the Democrats sure are trying.
Here’s a good example of the sudden shift on Kamala that we’ve been hearing on the regime news media lately. MSNBC contributor Molly Jong-Fast gushed over Harris this week, calling her an “Obama-level orator.” Watch out MSNBC, Barack Obama may want Kamala to win, but the more you say she’s at his level, the more he may want to slap you guys down.
But it goes well beyond praise from regime media news commentators.
The regime media’s regular staff is very much involved in this effort to re-make Kamala Harris.
Let me introduce you to one of them, a pseudo-journalist named Jonathan Karl. Karl is a longtime ABC News correspondent. He was at CNN for years before that. This Sunday, Karl exposed and absolutely embarrassed himself as he pushed back on JD Vance’s factual claim about Kamala Harris not really being the border czar. What a pompous moron.
But it’s worse than that because Jonathan Karl wasn’t just contradicting Vance, he was contradicting himself. Just last year, Karl said that Harris was given the critical responsibility of stemming the flow of migrants across the border.
Jonathan Karl is not a real journalist. He doesn’t think for himself! That’s the reason why he could say something so strongly about how Kamala Harris was in charge of the border in 2023 and then rudely and self-assuredly tell JD Vance he was wrong for saying the exact same thing on Sunday.
But Karl is a good foot soldier. And when you’re working on a large-scale brainwashing project, you need lots of good foot soldiers. Jonathan Karl has plenty of company at ABC and those other channels.
Now you might be asking isn’t this the same mainstream news media that keeps shrinking? Haven’t the big liberal newspapers lost more than half of their subscribers? Haven’t the network news shows lost their importance?
Haven’t all those Brooklyn-based lefty news websites like BuzzFeed, Mashable, Vice, and even Axios been laying off staff and dying on the vine?
Didn’t the pathetic liberal talk radio station “Air America” die a quick and painful death 15 years ago?
The answer to all of the above questions is, yes. But sadly, the DNC and the leftists in America are fighting on entirely new fronts.
Most importantly, they have hijacked the supposedly unbiased “Headline News” services. You know, those are the websites that pop up as your homepage when you go on your computer.
MSN/Microsoft News is on a lot of your homepages at home and work is a big example of that. Check out that homepage now and just see how unbalanced and biased they are.
They don’t do straight news, but they also don’t even keep extreme anti-Trump and anti-Republican biases out of their headlines.
Do not underestimate the power of those biased headlines on those who only passively follow the news. Lots of voters only follow the news passively.
Sadly, that’s not where it ends. When I say media, I also mean social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram. Yes, the same TikTok that the Chinese control and the same Instagram that’s controlled by Mark Zuckerberg.
Now those are platforms that are growing, and they use persuasion tactics that are much stronger than anything we see on TV news or hear on the radio.
Harris did a TikTok segment with the cast of RuPaul’s Drag Race. Ask yourself if this is something young people will relate to more than an actual reasoned argument.
This goes beyond the Harris campaign and the furious effort to “clean her up.”
Entertainment media in movies and TV shows has been inserting the leftist political agenda into our public’s minds for decades. Even as the liberal newspapers and TV channels fail, Hollywood is winning lots of the battles we don’t even know are being fought.
Even sports channels like ESPN barrage viewers with leftist propaganda on race and guns all the time!
It’s true that in America today, you may not be interested in politics but sadly, no matter where you go nowadays, politics is interested in you.
Leftist indoctrination is coming for you at the ball game, the movie theater, and even your churches and synagogues.
And that’s where this Kamala Harris fixer-upper of a lifetime is being carried out.
Whether it succeeds or not is still up to you. What will you allow to influence you? Will you think for yourselves? Will you see to it that your children think for themselves?
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Remember, it’s not just the news media at work against us. It’s all media and you have to be vigilant. If they succeed in making Kamala Harris seem fit to be president, then the public has lost all its power in this society—maybe forever.
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