In a word, Kamala Harris is fallacious. Pete Buttigieg, her new point man, is too.
The two are “just plain weird,” which is what Harris calls President Trump. The two, Harris and Buttigieg, describe themselves when they disparage Trump’s vision or say JD Vance has a “strange worldview.”
To Harris and Buttigieg, who has become the lead political foot soldier for Harris, normality is abnormal. Masculinity is sexist, pride in your country is strange, and Americanism is just plain weird.
To Harris and her yes-man Buttigieg, whose silence about drag queens and dancers mocking “The Last Supper” speaks volumes, MAGA country is as alien to them as the opening ceremony for the Paris Olympics is awful to us.
To the Democrat Party, which is a hate group with an appropriate ass for a mascot, we are deplorable.
Were we anything else, we might deplore ourselves.
But we know America is great and, we know we can and will make America great again. We know where we stand and what we stand for, in contrast to Harris and Buttigieg.
We know Harris is unqualified to be president, that she sounds like a know-nothing while Buttigieg sounds like he believes he knows everything whilst displaying something else altogether.
The two combine Hillary Clinton’s vapid politics with Joe Biden’s vapid policies.
The result is a hybrid, a Parisian crossbreed, with little or no appeal to tens of millions of Democrats or independents.
The result will be a dead end for sane Democrats, especially white males, for whom the predominant feeling is one of abandonment. The result is exile for men who are guilty of nothing save their love of God and country.
If the Democrat Party wants to leave these men behind, if the party wants to expel these men because of their race and gender, President Trump and JD Vance are glad to have them—and so is America.
If Kamala Harris and her attack dog Pete Buttigieg are too dumb to realize that divisiveness is a losing strategy and that subtraction is not how politicians win elections, we have no duty to stop them.
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If anything, we should encourage them.
The more they slander us, the better. The more they defame our character and insult our integrity, the worse their chances look. The worse they reveal themselves to be, the better and stronger (together) the chances for America are. This nation, under God, shall be born again—in freedom—for all Americans, regardless of color or creed.
Whether Harris or Buttigieg attacks us, it will not work.
President Trump knows how awful the attacks are. He knows how awful Democrats were in response to an attack on his life, that they still do not believe the attack was real, that they still cannot believe the attack failed.
JD Vance also knows how awful the attackers are because he works with them.
To Democrats in the Senate, Vance is neither a colleague nor an opponent.
He is neither an American nor a Republican, but a stereotype of Democrat propaganda.
He is the newest target to be put in a bullseye by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. That Vance is a Marine and a veteran, that his service to the nation precedes his service in the Senate, and that the former is the highest form of public service, is of no interest to Democrats.
That Vance is also a success, that he is a self-made man in the truest sense, and that he continues to write his story is what makes him unacceptable to Democrats. For this reason alone, Democrats hate him—he is the definition of America and the American Dream.
Everything that makes Vance’s story relatable, that inspires Americans to read his story, for he is an American story of resolve and redemption, is what Democrats despise.
Everything that makes Vance a national candidate makes him anathema to Democrats. And because he is President Trump’s running mate, everything Democrats say about Trump also applies to Vance.
Of course, Vance is just plain weird to Democrats.
Of course, Vance has a strange worldview to Democrats.
Of course, Vance is an extremist to Democrats.
Vance is a proxy for what Democrats want to destroy.
Of course, his life is weird to Kamala Harris.
Of course, his lifestyle is strange to Pete Buttigieg.
Of course, faith and freedom are strange to these Democrats, for whom these principles are meaningless.
When Democrats do everything to estrange themselves from the ideals of their party, when they forsake the plain speak of Harry Truman or the promise of John F. Kennedy’s best speeches, when the only pledge they make is to themselves, they make themselves strangers in our land.
Because we know Kamala Harris is no Truman and Pete Buttigieg is nobody at all, and because everyone knows Joe Biden is a plagiarist who pretends he is a Kennedy, we refuse to pretend things are fine.
Let Harris call us names.
Let Buttigieg call us a threat to democracy.
Let Biden call President Trump a felon and a fascist.
The more Democrats attack President Trump, the more desperate they sound.
The more outlandish the attacks sound, the more desperate Democrats look.
Do not therefore expect the attacks to diminish or go away.
A party so anti-democratic as to hate Americans, labeling a president weird and his running mate strange, is no friend of the people.
The leaders of the Democrat Party have no vision to lead America, at all.
Remember what Democrats say about America.
Remember what Democrats have said about us.
Most of all, remember to vote for America and reject the weird anti-American rhetoric of Kamala Harris.
The election of President Trump and JD Vance is a victory for the American people and for people all over the world, hoping one day to breathe free as well.
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