The latest chapter in the war on America’s institutions has been launched against the Supreme Court—and it’s being directed by the lamest of lame-duck Presidents, Joe Biden. It is also firmly supported by the socialist standard-bearer Kamala Harris.
Just when you thought it was safe to take the car keys and hide sharp objects from senile ol’ Joe Biden, the guy who claims to be the President of the United States has decided that disgracing the presidency isn’t enough for him.
Now, he wants to destroy the sanctity and independence of the U.S. Supreme Court.
Biden announced Monday that he wants to “reform” the court by imposing term limits, instituting a defined and enforceable code of conduct, and pushing for a Constitutional amendment to negate the high court’s recent ruling granting presidents immunity from prosecution for their official acts while in office.
Here’s Joe trying to justify all of this in a sloppy, slurred speech yesterday. This whole thing is a major embarrassment for him. The supposed sitting President of the United States has been cast aside as a candidate. Now, he’s fronting a lost cause—at least in his lifetime. Speaker of the House Mike Johnson says this proposal is “dead on arrival” in Congress and he is not alone.
Biden moved on to his most ridiculous argument of all, considering the source. Joe Biden, a man who has enriched himself while supposedly in public service for decades, bent over backward for credit card companies, foreign powers, and so many others, dared to call for a code of ethics to be imposed on the court.
Yeah, Joe is certain we need a code because he’s a crook and he’s probably fantasizing about all the things he could have stolen had he been a justice all these years.
But while Joe is finished and his Presidency is over, the Democrats will try these attacks on the courts again and again forever.
They say they’re doing it to “preserve democracy,” but the real goal is to remove one last hurdle that remains for their radical agenda and one-party control of everything.
They’re not even hiding this fact, as Biden mostly talked about all the cases he and his leftist pals didn’t like.
That’s the real reason for this plan. It’s not about changing a structure, it’s about revenge for decisions the court made that radicals don’t like.
Here’s the thing, America does like these decisions and it does like this court in particular.
First off, do not let the radicals and their media allies fool you into calling this a “conservative court.” Don’t fall for calling six out of the nine justices “conservatives.”
They are nothing of the kind.
What we do have are six common sense justices and three others who are usually extremely radical but can sometimes be swayed to follow common sense as well.
That’s why we had some key cases decided in recent years by nine-to-nothing votes. That included the unanimous common sense decision to throw out the radical efforts to remove Donald Trump’s name from certain state ballots. That included the unanimous common sense decision not to ban certain “Plan B” abortion drugs. The list goes on and on.
Yes, even the “Dobbs Decision” giving individual states the right to regulate surgical abortions was in line with the common sense consensus among Americans for decades.
It’s also about helping the Democrats rig elections. We’re seeing a rigged and ridiculous election being stolen right now in Venezuela by the way.
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And what did Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro do not long ago to ensure his un-Democratic rule? He “reformed” his own country’s Supreme Court.
Here in the US, the Democrats want to alter and cajole the court into making sure voter integrity laws are never enacted. That’s right, the common sense requirement for voter ID in this digital age is something the Democrats want the courts to ban.
This is how we know the leftists have already won the day in a sense by fooling everyone into talking about this court in conservative vs. liberal terms. In reality, it’s “sane vs. insane.”
These are the people who want men in girls’ locker rooms, the end of all private health insurance, and the destruction of our energy resources, and they know a common sense Supreme Court is there right now to stop them.
That’s why they don’t just attack the court with these phony “reform” plans, they also come right out and threaten them. Remember when Chuck Schumer told two justices back in 2020?
“You won’t know what hit you!” Sure enough, just about two years after that threat to Justice Kavanaugh, an assassination plot against Kavanaugh came close to being fully executed. Who knows what would have happened had the young and impressionable would-be assassin not turned himself in.
In more recent months, outrageous personal attacks and leaks endangering Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas have come to light. In each case, the regime news media is happy to pass on the gossip and innuendo that puts these judges’ lives in danger.
And it doesn’t stop there.
You see, the radical left’s attacks on the judiciary also include nominating completely unqualified people for the judiciary. Those nincompoops are the best choices to follow the radical left’s agenda because they’re too uneducated to have one of their own.
Don’t believe me? Remember the famous exchange between Senator Kennedy and one of Joe Biden’s federal judge nominees back in 2023 where she couldn’t answer questions about what different parts of the Constitution did?
It’s hard to believe that the exchange was real, but it was.
Another real exchange happened during Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson’s confirmation hearing. She may not be as ignorant about the articles of the Constitution, but here she is signaling to leftists everywhere that she’s willing to erase every aspect of common sense from her brain to help their agenda. Remember when she refused to say what a woman was because she isn’t a biologist?
Is there any better evidence than that answer from Brown Jackson that the leftist battle against the Supreme Court is just a battle against common sense?
Speaking of common sense and battles, the current political climate has the crazed radicals very worried.
They’ve been rightfully worried about the Democrats’ chances of holding on to the White House and the Senate.
That fear is about to get worse as Kamala Harris’ modest bump in the polls is already fading and never really overtook Donald Trump’s lead anyway.
And that means there can be no sacred cows, even among their own.
So Justice Sonya Sotomayor has been in their sights all year. The leftists want her to step down while there’s a Democrat-controlled White House and Senate. You see, Sotomayor’s health has been in question in recent years and the leftists are worried she could pass away when the Republicans have the White House and Senate.
It’s never been about good justices. It’s never been about educated justices. It’s never even been about human beings.
For the loony left, it’s just about the agenda. If that means pressuring people to resign, threatening others with violence, or manning our courts will complete morons, so be it.
But we can reject this nonsense and recognize that so-called “conservative” judges in America are simply the defenders of common sense and decency.
Don’t let the very indecent Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, or anyone else fool you into believing otherwise.
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