- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Illegal Aliens, Not Struggling New Yorkers, Got Free Thanksgiving Turkeys

You have to ask yourself – do Venezuelans even celebrate Thanksgiving? How about the Chinese? Guatemalans?

It’s pretty much irrelevant though, I guess, because they got their free turkeys (and fixings) from the government anyway.

It pays to be an illegal alien these days with Democrats in charge. Democrats will do ANYTHING they can to make illegal aliens happy and keep them living the comfortable life in exchange for a pathway to citizenship and Democrat votes someday.

The latest freebie the illegal aliens have received is free Thanksgiving turkeys [1] – poultry that was meant for struggling, low income folks in NYC.

FAIR [2] (Federation for American Immigration Reform) has reported that in a Queens neighborhood, the New York City Housing Authority’s Queensbridge Houses residents look forward to weekly mobile food pantries but with the influx of illegal aliens, resources are being strained with about 8K illegal aliens in their community.

But that’s not all. It looks like they also lost out on getting their Thanksgiving turkeys. They were told to line up to get their free turkey but the illegal aliens had beat them to it and were in line ahead of them.

Turkeys aren’t the only thing that New Yorkers will be missing soon though. The mayor has announced budget cuts [3] to services in the city due to the overwhelming costs of taking care of the illegal aliens in the city.