We’ve all noticed that the amount of information that the government DOESN’T know about COVID-19 is immense.

But there is so much more out there – things that we don’t know about or haven’t learned the truth about.

I was watching an old movie on TV with an actor who sounded like Charlie in the Box from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. 

That led me to Google who he was. Nope. Different guy. 

Then I went down a rabbit hole and looked into some other things about the Rudolph movie.

Imagine my surprise when I found out that the voice of Rudolph is a woman!

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Life as I know it has ceased.

I’ve been living a lie for 50+ years.

And now YOU have joined the real world like me. Sorry.

What else don’t we know?

The list is endless and the categories are limitless to explore. 

Education obviously continues to go on our entire life but unless we seek out knowledge, we will continue to life an existence of fraud, deception and ignorance. 

Some things are more important than others and don’t affect our lives. And, of course, there is plenty of information out there that you don’t necessarily need to know.

But some things like finding out Rudolph was a woman can have a profound impact on our lives.

Misinformation, disinformation and no information. That’s the world we live in.

Fake news.

Trump was light years ahead of the curve, wasn’t he?

Here are some truths to add to your life – for what it’s worth…

The average person eats 60 lbs. of food in his or her lifetime

Don’t tell the democrats about this. We’ll either gets taxed per pound or have to pay some sort of climate change fee in connection to this. It also means that you don’t have to stress out about that extra piece of chocolate. It’s a drop in the bucket.

There is no Captain Crunch

Sorry kids. It’s a made up cartoon character. Kind of like the president. And he’s not even a captain either. He’s a commander.

There is no bathroom on the right

In the Creedence Clearwater Revival song Bad Moon Rising, the lyrics are “There’s a bad moon on the rise.” They do NOT sing “There’s a bathroom on the right.”

Mice don’t like cheese all that much

In an experiment done by the BBC, they found that mice like foods that have a lot of sugar a lot more than they like cheese. 

Reading in the dark won’t ruin your eyes

Eye doctors in Harvard say that reading in dim light won’t cause any ongoing medical issues, just eye strain and a headache.

You will not drown if you swim too soon after eating

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Our parents sure fed us a lot of crap over the years, didn’t they? And this was another one of those things. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Red Cross say you don’t have to wait an hour after you eat to go swimming. Their only advice is to wait a few minutes to “make sure the last thing you ate went down your gullet.”

Santa Claus does NOT know if you’ve been naughty or nice

Don’t worry. Do what you want. If Santa really knew what was going on, democrats would never get any presents.

A snail can sleep for three years. 

If this is true, why does democrat NY Senator Chuck Schumer look so old and tired?