The Wall Street billionaires who have been colluding with each other for years to game the stock market, according to reporting, lost their shirts to the tune of about $3 Billion dollars this week. Watch this video:

The really interesting part is the financial world media types accusing the Reddit band of “robin hoods” of doing something criminal after they’ve been “short selling” forever as a way to keep the financial billionaire insiders super wealthy.

They’ve even gone so far as to postulate that the traders are “Russian” hackers, as silly as that sounds.

The bottom line is that a band of real and average citizens came together and actually made some money on the tock market and the big guy insiders are the only ones they think are allowed to do that.

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Look for attacks on these folks from the powerful and their media machine to crush them.

Sound familiar?

This piece was written by Col. Rob Maness on January 27, 2021. It originally appeared in and is used by permission.

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