How many times have you heard how much 2020 sucks? 

There is the pandemic of course plus job losses and other bad things that have resulted from the pandemic. In addition to those things, there are the usual situations that people go through every year – the loss of friends and family, health challenges, sick and dying pets, financial issues and more.

While you sit in your house this Thanksgiving (with only the allowable nine people), you might be wondering what the heck you have to be thankful for.

An uncontrollable pandemic is staring you in the face along with democrat dictators giving you new rules every day – and, of course, there is the probable impending doom of a Harris/Biden administration which doesn’t bring much joy either.

But there ARE still things to be thankful for.

For starters, you’re still breathing, right? 

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Not everyone can say that.

I am going to give you my list for this year to help you get going on your own list.

I am thankful for…

– The relative good health of myself, my husband, my pets, and my close relatives and friends.

– Phil Collins and Genesis (they are ALWAYS on the list). By the way, here is a link to the best Genesis song you have probably never heard right here – Home By the Sea.

– Trump is still president until January 20th.

– Not getting COVID-19 even after being at work and out in the public the whole time since the pandemic started. 

– Bacon, caramel, toast, shrimp, coconut, filet mignon, cheesy potatoes, hot roast beef sandwiches, frosting, queso, long johns (custard not cream), and chili cheese fries. Not in combination, of course.

– The fact that my crap Kia Sorento is still running. I bought a lemon from the local dealer – the engine died within about a month and it has many other problems.

– My two step-daughters who I actually tell people are my “daughters.” They’re not only a great added joy to my life, they are smart and conservative! I also love the grandkids. I never wanted my own children so it’s nice to be able to borrow the kids once in a while – and give them back! I even have a great-grandson now and I’m only 51 years old!

– I am very thankful that my mom is still alive and kicking after many health scares and the fact that she basically had “experimental” heart surgery when she was young. She’s a bit over 70 now and even though she’s mostly a democrat, she’s always been supportive of everything I have done (as a spoiled only child) and I appreciate the way that she raised me. Obviously she did a great job since I’m a conservative!

– My favorite TV shows Little House on the Prairie and MASH.

– The Alabama Crimson Tide football team and any quarterback who passes more than he runs.

– Even though it’s not often enforced, we still do operate under the Constitution and we have a Declaration of Independence for however long it’s allowed.

– Current armed forces and veterans, the Coast Guard, law enforcement, firefighters, and health care workers.

  • My husband. Even though he drives me crazy. (I know many of you can relate.)

– My childhood memories. I had a great childhood with lots of fun and camping. I also got to visit my relatives a lot, spending time with aunts, uncles, grandparents and our extended family. I was the only child in the family for a while so I got a lot of time with family that my cousins didn’t get to have. I am very grateful for that time.

– Chocolate. Forgot that one on the food list.

– A secure job to pay my bills.

– Warm and sunny winter days – which might not last long. In fact, it just started snowing here a few hours ago.

– Christmas lights. Even when it’s not Christmas.

– Christmas music. The Christmas radio station in my city has already started!

– Seeing Christmas decorations at Menards a week before Halloween.

– Living in the U.S.A. I wasn’t born here. My dad was stationed in Spain because he was in the Air Force. But I’m glad this is my permanent home, no matter how bad it gets under democratic rule.

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– Our town still has a majority of our restaurants intact. They haven’t closed permanently yet. I don’t know how long they can hold on but so far we are doing okay.

– Rush Limbaugh. I don’t know how much longer we will have him around, but he keeps saying that he’s blessed every day that he keeps waking up and I feel blessed as well that I am able to keep hearing his voice during this time of uncertainty.

– COVID-19 vaccines. As many successes as Trump has had including Middle East peace, I think his greatest accomplishment will be Operation Warp Speed and the production of the vaccines. 

Trump will have SAVED THE WORLD and, no matter what, the leftists can’t take that away from him.

– God. I’m not a religious person but I believe in God and we often have productive conversations. We have an understanding and he’s been pretty good to me along the way. I hope to continue this relationship and see if he can help us all have a better 2021.