It might not be well known to the American people, but to those within the political circle, one thing is clear – Dominion is bad. The voting system used in States that Biden won the majority in ran off of Dominion software. The company even tried to get the state of Texas to use their software but was turned down. It’s not surprising that Texas went to President Trump. But what is interesting is the Dominion software and more importantly their employees.

The Democrats want Americans to believe that there was no election meddling or voter fraud that took place in the 2020 election. Whenever the subject gets brought up, people are automatically shunned by the media and an unforgiving online presence. But what if a person that worked behind the software came out and said the whole election was rigged? That alone should be cause for some type of investigation. Well, that is exactly what this Dominion employee was literally caught on social media saying. Click on the video below and check for yourself.

There you have it. This isn’t about the left or right, it is about a fair election, and when a top executive like Eric Coomer goes on social media and brags about rigging an election – again, alarms should be going off and every major news outlet should be covering this story, but have you heard about it until now? This is the problem with the media and the Democrats. They are so happy that their candidate might have won that they don’t even want to believe there could be something much sinister going on.

Yet at the end of the day, that is exactly what will happen unless the people of America decide to stand up and not take it anymore. Demand a fair election and don’t sit by and be fed a bunch of lies. Again, it doesn’t matter if you are a Democrat or Republican – something illegal happened during the 2020 election. As I said before, there is and will never be a way that Joe Biden, the animatronic Democrat, could have gained more votes than any other President in the history of our country… Just let that sink in.

This piece was written by Jeremy Porter on November 17, 2020. It originally appeared in and is used by permission.

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