The first debate between Trump and Biden was a slam dunk for Trump. How do we know? 

Well, first of all, the democrats immediately called for no more debates. That’s an obvious sign.

And thirdly… ha ha. That was a joke from debate night when Biden couldn’t count correctly and Trump helped him out by saying, “no you’re on number two.”

So, secondly…the Telemundo poll on the debate showed that 2/3 of their Spanish-speaking audience thought that Trump won the debate with 66% of them giving Trump the thumbs up.

That’s not good.

Red alert, red alert…

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So the newest tactic to help Biden with the debate is to change the rules. The nonpartisan (yeah right) Commission on Presidential Debates announced that they will set up an “additional structure” for a “more orderly discussion” for any upcoming debates.

The next debate is scheduled for October 15th.

I don’t want two stuffed shirts making rehearsed speeches. I want a debate. I thought the debate was fine. Trump won. But that’s the problem.

Trump’s campaign communications director, Tim Murtaugh, obviously agrees with me. He said the commission is considering changes to the debate format “because their guy got pummeled last night.”

One thing that the democrats are calling for is a mute button on the moderator’s desk to use against Trump when he doesn’t follow the rules. That would allow Biden to lie with impunity. 

And Trump would have to use up all of his time exposing Biden’s lies instead of talking about his accomplishments and plans for the future.

I think Trump would find a way around the mute button though. He’ll either talk really loud or get more animated with his body language, throwing up his hands or doing other movements. Or maybe he’ll sneak in a small bullhorn.

So what do we know about the debate commission? Well, we know that former presidents Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush and Barack Obama are honorary co-chairs so their opinions probably carry some weight. 

Do they get a vote on the changes? The website doesn’t say and the organization’s phone mailbox has been full all day so I can’t answer that question. But I wouldn’t doubt it. I’ve been on boards before and executive directors and chairpeople are often allowed to vote on issues. It just depends on how the bylaws are written.

We also know that the board consists of a bunch of ancient people on it. 7 of the 10 board members are over 70 years of age with one of them being 94-years-old. And at least two of the co-chairs are in their 80’s.

The Commission isn’t going to do Trump any favors. They already turned down a request to have an earlier debate in September. 

Two of the three co-chairs are democrats and one of them, Dorothy Ridings, is a former democratic party official and former president of the League of Women Voters. Co-chair Kenneth Wollack is a Barack Obama donor and was a former president of the National Democratic Institute.

The Republican that are on their Board of Directors seem to be Never Trumpers who have been critical of Trump or donated to opponents in the past.

Republican board members have made anti-Trump statements like John Dansforth who called Trump “the most divisive president in our history” in 2017.

Republican board member Richard Parsons is a former Time Warner Chief and has said that Trump was “not good for any America.”

Board member and former democratic Senator Olympia Snowe donated to Jeb Bush in 2016 and has said that Trump was hurting the GOP brand.

So the organization’s claim to be nonpartisan is a joke and many are specifically anti-Trump. They will do what they can to help Biden win the election.

If the commission tries to restrain him, I think Trump should say, “Are we still in America or what? This is what America will look like under democratic control. Total censorship over what they disagree with.”

So what is the end game for the debate changes? Well, if both candidates show up, the commission obviously wants to do what they can to give Biden the edge.

But Biden doesn’t really want to show up so maybe the commission can come up with enough ridiculous rules that would make Trump cancel the debates. 

If not, it’s enough for the democrats and Never Trumpers to play their games like they always do and get some good press.

“Resist” has been their mantra since Trump got elected. They can’t stop now.

Some other suggestions I have to help Biden in case the commission runs out of ideas…

  • Nap time.

• Free Rockstar High Energy Drinks and Coffee.

  • Headphones to help with answers.

• The ability to have a stand-in if he’s having a rough day.

• A buzzer Biden can push which would send Trump through the floor into a barrel of snakes.

Trump, as usual, has a common sense answer to fix the problem. He tweeted, “Try getting a new Anchor and a smarter Democrat candidate!”