A liberal college professor is whining that he was hit with death threats one month after he called for police officers to be strangled.

Nathan Jun is a professor at Midwestern State University whose faculty page states that he teaches “Health Care Ethics,” “Philosophy of Race and Racism,” “Multicultural Philosophy,” and “Philosophy of Horror and Macabre.”

Back in August, Jun took to Facebook to launch a truly vile attack on police officers.

“I want the entire world to burn until the last cop is strangled with the intestines of the last capitalist, who is strangled in turn with the intestines of the last politician,” Jun wrote, according to the College Fix.

Jun’s comments quickly went viral, and afterwards, MSU released a statement defending his rights to make this kind of statement. The school said, according to KFDX-TV:

“As a public university, we recognize and protect individuals’ free speech rights under the First Amendment so that ideas and information may be freely exchanged and examined without the threat of censorship or retaliation.

Occasionally individuals will express opinions that may be offensive and even shocking, but are nonetheless entitled to First Amendment protection. When our faculty members speak or write as citizens within the confines of the law, they are free from institutional censorship or discipline.”

“Though we take advantage of every opportunity to encourage all members of the campus community to express their opinions in a civil, respectful manner, we view avoidance of censorship as an important part of maintaining the culture of diversity of opinion and academic freedom that is so important to our role as a public university.”

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Jun himself decided to play the victim in the situation, claiming that his comments were taken out of context. He whined that this lack of apparent context “helped gin up the latest in a long line of violent, hysterical attacks against [his] person and property.”

One social media user shared what appeared to be a note from Jun to his “comrades” explaining the context of his comment.

“Within 24 hours of [a speech Jun delivered on Sept. 24 during a rally for Breonna Taylor] I already had received several death threats,” Jun wrote. “The situation quickly escalated after fascists (acting in concert with local media) disseminated a comment I posted on a friend’s Facebook page.”

“As of this morning, I have received more than 300 death threats by phone, email, text, and private message,” he added. “I also discovered that my home had been vandalized again … the fifth time since June. The harassment has been so intense that I have been compelled to relocate to a hotel for my own safety.”

“It is only because we rare living in the midst of a phony, ginned-up hysteria (known by scholars as ‘The Antifa Scare’) that the local right has decided to go after me,” the professor insisted. “As a person who doesn’t own a gun or have a criminal record — and who belongs to a member of a historically persecuted group that is greatly underrepresented in Wichita Falls — I am very clearly an easy target for them.”

Jun told KFDX that he would like to live in a utopian society that does not include police officers and politicians.

“I do long to live in a world in which we no longer have cops, which we no longer have capitalists, and which we no longer have politicians,” he said. “Because those are my political beliefs and I own them and I make no apologies for those beliefs.”

This piece was written by James Samson on October 1, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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