The liberals are crazy. They really are. 

They don’t actually want freedom and equality. 

Liberals want to be the deciders of what people can do and who’s worthy of freedom and equality.

In their latest move of insanity, California will be voting on a measure called Proposition 16 that will allow governmental discrimination in hiring, college admissions and contracting in order to give preferential treatment to people based on national origin, sex, race and ethnicity.

Currently, that kind of “affirmative action” is banned in legislation that was passed in 1996. Proposition 16 will repeal that.

But, hey, it’s a whole new world. And discriminating against men, non-minorities and other people that liberals don’t like is the new, hip thing. 

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In liberal-land, racism and sexism is called diversity and it is a great thing as long as the people who get preferential treatment are democrats.

What kind of nut jobs actually agree with Proposition 16?

Well, it’s all of the usual suspects.

Senator Kamala Harris supports Proposition 16, of course. 

Also Governor Gavin Newsom, The Black Lives Matter organization and Hollywood celebrities. 

The campaign to support Proposition 16 has received at least $14 million into their campaign. The opposition has raised $1 million.

Democrats want to be able to discriminate against those who don’t hold their political views and will use race and gender profiling to do it.