This morning, my son-in-law sent me a link to a website regarding American education that shocked me. Actually, I think I was more shocked that I could still be shocked. I’ve gotten used to hearing about the leftist education boards, teachers’ unions, and politicians pushing for bias curricula in the classroom.

But what he sent me was a little different because it was billed as “Free Articles for Students.” I’m sure free is enticing to any school district. The site shows images of pleasant, innocuous scholastic magazine covers with happy, smiling kids on its various publications aimed at assorted subjects. What could be wrong with that? As it turns out, plenty.

Upon a second glance at the magazine’s website, a conservative/libertarian will sniff the first whiff of leftist bias. The smell comes in the form of a few category headings on this “Scholastic Civics Election 2020 page: “Racial Justice,” “Climate Change,” and “Immigration.” I was given the option to choose either Grades 3-6 or Grades 7-12. I clicked the 3-6 link and was greeted by this first paragraph under the heading “Racial Justice:

“The long history of unjust treatment of Black people in America has become a major focus of this election. Two current crises—police killings of Black Americans and the coronavirus pandemic—have highlighted just how widespread the problem is.”

This is no longer just a whiff of bias; this has the unholy stench of leftist partisan politics.

In the next paragraph, after describing “millions of Americans have marched in the streets in support of the Black Lives Matter movement,” they provide our children with this “objective” history lesson:

Do you support individual military members being able to opt out of getting the COVID vaccine?

By completing the poll, you agree to receive emails from, occasional offers from our partners and that you've read and agree to our privacy policy and legal statement.

“Individuals and civil rights groups have… joined together in demanding an end to the long history of bias and brutality against Black people by law enforcement.”

There were zero mentions of the riots, looting, and murders that have been occurring across our nation since last May. Only mentions of “public gatherings” and “historic civil rights demonstrations nationwide.”

Reading through the “Racial Justice” page, you’d swear you are reading words written by a BLM Marxist or an Antifa anarcho-communist. You’ll also notice while this is supposedly educational material for young students, they’ve adopted the anti-English language, counter-convention of capitalizing Black while writing white is in lower case, when referring to race. What subliminal message does that send to our children? A racist one.

This blatant political brainwashing is disgusting and must end. How many of our kids are being exposed to this indoctrination crap? This is important because this supplementary “educational” material wouldn’t necessarily be included when requesting information about a school district’s curriculum. I think about my two school-aged grandchildren and imagine them reading about how much of a racist killer their “Pop” is, and it makes me sick. I have contacted my district’s school board member about this issue but have not heard back yet.

Clicking on the other categories I mentioned, “Climate Change” and “Immigration” could also have been written by BLM or Antifa. The way they have been infiltrating America’s school curricula, perhaps it was. Regardless, it is crucial that we challenge our school boards if they include these politically partisan publications in our children’s and grandchildren’s schools.

This piece was written by Steve Pomper on September 27, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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