Hollywood actress Ellen Barkin, who is currently starring on the TNT television show “Animal Kingdom,” just had yet another unhinged meltdown against President Donald Trump.

Via her Twitter page, Barkin posted a video of President Trump discussing his administration’s progress in handling the COVID-19 pandemic. In the video, Trump said that “the most important thing to me is saving lives.”

Somehow, Barkin found this to be triggering, retweeting the video alongside the caption, “murderous motherf***er.”

The video shows Trump reveal that we are closer than ever to getting a coronavirus vaccine, which is something that should come as good news to everyone, regardless of party affiliation.

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“I spoke to the head of the greatest medical companies in the world, we’re doing great,” Trump said. “We’ll have [the vaccine] soon.”

The president added:

“So we’re going to have a vaccine very soon, maybe even before a very special date, you know what date I’m talking about, and what [the Democrats] are doing — because they think it is going fast — so now they’re saying, ‘Wow, Trump’s pulled this off, okay, let’s disparage the vaccine.’ That’s so bad for this country, that’s so bad for the world.

“I watched Kamala’s poll numbers drop from 15 to almost zero, and then drop out even before she ran in Iowa, because people didn’t like her, and I understand why. She’s talking about disparaging a vaccine so that people don’t think the achievement was a great achievement.”

This is not the first time Barkin has come unglued while accusing Trump of murder. From the very start of this pandemic, she has been trying to blame coronavirus deaths on the president.

“Trump is responsible for more deaths than Kennedy Johnson and Nixon,” she tweeted back in April. “He will go down in history as the Stalin of incompetence and greed.”

In June, Barkin wished harm on the president when she tweeted, “If Jesus was our savior trump would have gone down in flames before he crossed the street.” This was in response to Trump’s visit to the historic St. John’s Episcopal Church after rioters set it on fire.

This piece was written by PopZette Staff on September 8, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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