In celebration of the Fourth of July holiday, Hollywood star Matthew McConaughey posted a short video of himself in which he told his fans to “wear the d–n mask” amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Happy 244th birthday, America. We is going through some growing pains in this one, aren’t we?” the 50 year-old actor began.

“But growing pains are a good thing, because how the hell else are we going to grow up?”

“I think we gotta look each other in the eye … look ourselves in the eye, we gotta look in the mirror and ask ourselves, ‘How can I be better? How can I expect more of myself and others? How can I be more responsible? How can I have more compassion? How can I have more courage? How can I be more fair?'” McConaughey continued.

“How do I make sure that I wear the d–n mask?’”

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He went on to add some positivity when he said that if people wear their masks and follow the guidelines to slow the spread of coronavirus, “we start partying again.”

“Looking around and thinking, ‘Oh yeah we always got work to do. We never arrive, but we improved.’ That’s our chance. That’s our opportunity. That’s on me. That’s on you,” McConaughey said.

“It’s game time. Ding, ding. We are in the ring, America. Let’s quit messing about and get it done. Just keep livin.’”

McConaughey has been vocal throughout the COVID-19 pandemic about the importance of Americans coming together to fight this thing.

“Science is behind us right now and the mask is about letting science catch up,” he recently told CNN earlier in the month.

“It’s about helping the people on the frontline, don’t let happen what happened in New York where there’s two patients for every bed, we’ve got to buy time. A mask is a very good tool for that and I have not heard any science saying that it’s not so I don’t even know how there’s any real argument about wearing a mask or not.”

Last month, McConaughey stepped up to personally deliver 110,000 race masks to hospitals in rural Texas.

“Thanks to @lincoln for donating 110 thousand masks – me and @camilamcconaughey hitting the road to get em to rural hospitals in need across Texas,” McConaughey captioned an Instagram photo that showed him and his wife preparing to deliver the crucial PPE materials.

God bless McConaughey for using his platform to do something good for others during this difficult time!

This piece originally appeared in and is used by permission.

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