Lincoln County, Oregon has just issued a new order demanding that locals wear face masks in public settings at all times, exempting non-white people from complying.

Health officials announced last week that all residents must have face masks on in any public settings in which they could come within six feet of someone who is not in their household. However, the officials added that people of color do not need to follow this order because of “heightened concerns about racial profiling and harassment” over wearing the masks. “No person shall intimidate or harass people who do not comply,” the officials added.

Race-baiting leftists all over America have been raising concerns about people of color being forced to wear facial coverings as mask requirements have become increasingly common across the United States. “For many black people, deciding whether or not to wear a bandana in public to protect themselves and others from contracting coronavirus is a lose-lose situation that can result in life-threatening consequences either way,” ReNika Moore, director of the ACLU’s Racial Justice Program, told CNN.

Trevon Logan, a black economics professor at Ohio State University, added that face mask orders are “basically telling people to look dangerous given racial stereotypes that are out there.”

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“This is in the larger context of black men fitting the description of a suspect who has a hood on, who has a face covering on,” Logan said. “It looks like almost every criminal sketch of any garden-variety black suspect.”

Once again, a situation is being made to be all about race when it actually has nothing to do with skin color. If Democrats come to power in November, going forward you can expect more of these “exemptions” from following the rules for non-white people.

This piece was written by PoliZette Staff on June 24, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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