Former San Francisco 49ers quarterback and radical black activist Colin Kaepernick is joining the online platform Medium’s board of directors as the blog site’s only minority board member. Which says a lot about the platform before they hit upon this PR ploy. The player without a team for four years will also help create feature stories for the platform, centering around “race and civil rights in America.” Those stories will certainly be fair and balanced.

Guilty white Medium CEO Evan Williams announced Kaepernick’s new position in a post Thursday, insisting that the site will partner with Kaepernick’s company to come up with pieties in an effort “to elevate emerging voices from communities of color.” One wonders, given their stated mission, if they will be publishing any essays from Walter Williams, Ben Carson, or Thomas Sowell. We think it unlikely. This foray is just another firm trying to cash in on the current liberal rage for Black Lives Matter, “defund the police,” and other childish racist groups that have captured the current imaginations of many who want to do this nation harm.

“Kaepernick Publishing’s mission is to uplift and elevate voices for black and brown communities, something that has been desperately needed in the publishing space,” (True. Not one black or brown person has ever been published in America, aside from the words you are reading right now. But no, none ever. Thus, it is “desperately needed.”) said Williams, between fits of masochistic pleasure. “Through this partnership, Colin will be publishing across Medium’s platform, including a collaboration with Medium’s editorial team. He will be sharing his thoughts on anti-black racism in our society [which, of course, is the only racism in our society], and Medium and Kaepernick Publishing will co-publish thought-provoking feature stories from diverse writers of color.” Again, likely no Shelby Steele, Tim Scott, or Candace Owens.

Williams wrote in his post that “the world is finally catching up” to Kaepernick’s “vision on racial justice.” What Williams means is that the ideologically incestuous coterie he cavorts with like it very much. The rest of America? He hasn’t a clue.

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“I met Colin a couple years ago and have been wanting to work with him ever since. When he launched Kaepernick Publishing in February, we started a conversation and quickly realized how closely our ideals and sensibilities align,” Williams wrote. Can you imagine the pure schadenfreude of listening into that chin wag? “I know he will bring valuable insights and leadership to Medium. I couldn’t be more happy to welcome Colin to Medium. He’s an incisive, independent thinker, whose integrity has inspired so many. The world needs more of that.” The world may need even more of the kind of people who judge others on their merit, and not on the color of their skin. Williams sadly falls into the latter category, as his obsession with race readily attests to.

This piece was written by David Kamioner on June 20, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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House Black Caucus chair breaks with Black Lives Matter
Gov. Cuomo shames America for ‘racist past’ after ‘noose’ is found in Harlem park: Then the truth comes out
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