I’ve said for months to anyone who would listen (and those who didn’t want to) that Hawaii Rep. Tulsi
Gabbard is the only Democratic presidential candidate who has a chance of beating Trump. And now
she’s one of the last three candidates left in the race.

She’s pro-American, a veteran who was in the Hawaii Army National Guard and served in Iraq, she’s
pleasant, pretty, young, a minority, and even though she has many many liberal positions, she doesn’t
come off as an extreme socialist or communist like the rest of the candidates. She’s not offensive and
she doesn’t scare people like the other candidates.

Gabbard, on the surface, is everything a Democrat would want in a candidate. She is a 39-year-old
Hindu and a Samoan-American. She’s the only minority left running for president on the Democrat
side. And the only woman.

So why are the two “front runners” two old white guys?

Because that’s what the DNC wants.

The DNC is looking to change the rules of who can participate in the March 15th debate and, like they
always do, they want to stack the deck and cheat again, this time to keep Biden on top.

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It’s a smart move, given the optics of an old white communist and an old white senile former VP on
stage with a young woman who appears to talk common sense, I don’t think the two old white guys
would stand a chance.

Xochitl Hinojosa, the Democratic National Committee’s communications director, tweeted recently, “of
course the threshold (for the debate) will go up…the threshold will reflect where we are in the race, as
it always has.”

Sorry, Tulsi.

Beware though, Democrats – and media people too. With only three candidates left, Gabbard is going
to be getting a lot of press now, especially being the only woman and the only person under 70 who is
running. If nothing else, they’re going to keep asking her why she is running, making her an automatic
victim of “the system.”

I don’t believe Gabbard will drop out like the others. She’s not part of the establishment. She seems
to have honor. I don’t think they can buy her off with a house or a future job.

Gabbard only needs enough money to fund her rallies and traveling. She’s not really doing much
advertising. In this day and age with social media, you don’t really need to. You just need to catch fire.
Have a viral moment. Or wait until the other candidates bomb.

Some of Gabber’s issues could swing independent voters toward her. Like Trump, Gabbard doesn’t
want to be the world’s police and nation builder, spending our tax money overseas. She’s strong on
the right to privacy and is against overreaching intelligence agencies and big tech monopolies. She’s
pro-choice but doesn’t support third-trimester abortions unless the health of the mother is at risk. She
wants equal justice in the law for the poor and wealthy.

And of course, on the other hand, she has her leftist policies like wanting to build a “green” economy
to combat climate change. She supports a single-payer system for healthcare. She wants a path to
legal status for DREAMers. She wants the federal government to legalize marijuana. She endorses a
universal basic income.

The chances of Biden and/or Bernie imploding before the DNC convention is quite high. Biden will
continue to look like he needs to go into a nursing home and Sanders will continue to yell and
scream, talk about free stuff and offend most of the country.

So Gabbard has a good chance of getting voters on her side and looking like the only sane choice at
the end.