By CD Media Staff | February 5, 2020

Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts. YouTube

The United States Senate voted today on two articles of impeachment in the trial of President Donald J. Trump.

All four of the senators whose votes were up in the air voted to convict. Mitt Romney of Utah was the one senator to break with his party, voting guilty on the first article, Abuse of Power. He voted not guilty for the second article.

Joe Manchin (WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (AZ), Democratic senators in red states, were considered possible “not guilty” votes, but they acceded to the partisan line.

The final vote on the first article of impeachment, Abuse of Power, was settled at 52 not guilty, 48 guilty.

The final vote on the second article of impeachment, Obstruction of Congress, was settled at 53 not guilty, 47 guilty.

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