By Court Anderson | February 5, 2020

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. YouTube.

This isn’t an article. Merely a pictorial recognition of the frustrated, immature response of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to the overarching speech delivered by President Donald Trump this evening.

The image stands on its own: Pelosi rending a document that celebrated American prosperity, the rising number of Americans with the dignity of work over handouts, and of course, the sacrifice of American patriots everywhere.

Pelosi reigns over a “two-Americas” district: San Francisco, a once-great city, now befouled, addicted, and split into overlapping communities of millionaires and homeless.

The gall Pelosi possesses to rip up a message of hope–upon the eve of her greatest failure–is beyond silly, beyond childish. She is a disrespectful, unpatriotic, and ultimately fraudulent politician. Note: her hands were shaking in rage.

Admit your manifold failures, Mrs. Pelosi. We see you, and are not impressed. Freedom unifies us, whereas you divide even an inanimate copy of a sober, inspiring message.

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Names of soldiers killed in the defense of our country were on those pages, Madame Speaker.

For shame.

This piece originally appeared on and is used by permission.

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