By CD Media Staff | February 6, 2020

Government-Funded RFERL Caught Again Mocking POTUS

Government-funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty has been caught again mocking their superior – the President of the United States. Long infected with a left-wing leadership and staff, RFERL has been consistently against Trump and active in pushing the ‘progressive” agenda, including the Russia hoax.

Notice the quotes around ‘vindication’ in the title of the article, meant to demean Republican’s acquitting the president on the trumped-up Ukraine charges.

WASHINGTON — The White House claimed “full vindication and exoneration” in the “sham” impeachment process against President Donald Trump…

Why the executive branch allows this continued creeping insubordination by a federally-funded program has yet to be explained properly. These are your tax dollars at work.

This piece originally appeared on and is used by permission.

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