By David Kamioner | February 7, 2020

Pity Mayor Pete Buttigieg.

He goes out of his way to be as PC as is humanly possible and he still can’t please the assorted fever swamps of the left. I mean, what more can he do?

Granted, he abused their sensibilities by serving his nation in uniform, does not support the complete socialization of American healthcare, and may actually have working cognitive abilities, as he was a Rhodes Scholar.

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But on the other hand to progressives he’s fashionably gay, his dad was a Marxist professor, he supports partial birth abortion, he thinks climate change is a real thing, and generally toes most of the rest of the ridiculous leftist line.

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And, as was the smart move, he saw how well he was doing in Iowa and declared victory. That got him what momentum there was to be had out of the caucus disaster.

However, some women who are Warren and Klobuchar pawns are going after him for “white male privilege” for calling himself an Iowa winner.

They think this was quite presumptuous on his part and thus nasty toxic male behavior. Not really, they just want to beat him in New Hampshire and will do or say anything to do it.

Here’s one of the coddled feminist mouthpieces, former Democratic NH House Speaker Terie Norelli, playing the victim card, “I think that’s just a symptom of white male privilege, right? You guys don’t even realize what’s happening, because you are privileged to be able to walk through this world in the way that you do. And so whether it’s gender privilege, or skin color privilege, or wealth privilege, and I think people who have privilege generally, are often not even aware of it and certainly are generally not willing to give it up.”

Yeah Terie, politicians like you have no privilege at all, right?

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Noted social commentator and American Greatness writer Elizabeth Fortunato puts it this way, “Buttigieg’s pandering vexes feminists and he forces to the surface the sibling rivalries on the progressive left.”

She nails it.

To the radical feminist left he may be a liberal gay guy who they agree with 80% of the time. But more importantly, he’s still a guy. Thus they can tag him as a serial toxic oppressor of all of harpydom only worthy of disdain, calumny, and electoral loss.

Sorry Pete. Gals can be tough, huh?

This piece originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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