Do the math. California has between two and a half and three and a half million illegal aliens living there depending on what source you trust. Some claim the number could be higher. Even the most conservative estimates mean the state is home to millions of illegal residents. Recently Governor Jerry Brown moved to make the whole state a so-called sanctuary, meaning instead of following federal laws on immigration the state is actively ignoring the law of the land and giving the green light to millions to snub their nose at the rest of us as well.
How far are they willing to go to protect these people? Well it seems they will do anything they can to thwart the law. They will go to great lengths because it means they will also retain greater power than they should. The problem is they are violating our rights and the rights of tens of millions of American citizens in the process. They are taking your representation in favor of non-citizens violating the laws of our land.
California and 17 other states are currently suing the Trump Administration to prevent the 2020 Census from asking a simple question about citizenship status and therefore guarding their secret of how many millions of illegal aliens are actually living in the Golden State. The reason is clear; they want them counted in #2020Census so they can keep the extra 3 to 5 members of Congress they have based on #IllegalAliens and keep the additional political power that comes with them.
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To fully appreciate how we are getting the short end of the deal you need to understand the math. You see each member of Congress represents about 733,000 Americans on average but California is gaming the system and stealing from other actual citizens of the United States by getting several extra seats in Congress and a disproportionate number of votes in the Electoral College too. Counting people living here illegally and then counting them in the Census gives California more political clout than they should have. In fact counting people in the country illegally disenfranchises American citizens in several other states. Those states might otherwise be apportioned Congressional seats they rightfully deserve. Several states stand to lose seats in Congress following the upcoming headcount. States like Michigan, Ohio and Minnesota will likely see seats leave for warmer climes like Florida, Texas and California.
According to a study by Pew Research about 130,000 illegal aliens were living in Michigan in 2016. That is far short of the number needed to swing political power to the Great Lakes State. Now if the northern border allowed three or four million illegal residents in from Canada, Michigan could become an Electoral College Powerhouse. I’m quite sure however if millions of Canadians began living in Michigan prior to the 2020 Census California and others would cry foul far and wide.
And it’s not just California that has it’s undocumented thumb on the political scale. If you dig deeper you realize that Texas has an estimated 1.7 million illegal residents that are being counted toward their Congressional delegation as well.
Consider for a moment this scenario; what if California, New York and Illinois, all states with large numbers of illegal residents determine the outcome of a very close Presidential Election but between them they delivered 8 or 10 Electoral Votes they would not have if those here illegally had not been counted. This is by definition illegal voting. What else would you call it? If states are awarded Electoral Votes based on counting people violating Federal Immigration Law and living here unlawfully and as a result their residency some states have more influence on the outcome of elections, that is fraud. It is citizenship fraud that leads to voter fraud and that fraud is being perpetrated on you and me because we live in a state that follows immigration laws.
Why should we allow states that ignore the rule of law to benefit from those blatant violations? The answer is we should not, period. We must stand up for the rule of law or it is you and I that are being disenfranchised by non-citizens. My Constitutional right to full participation in our Republic is being diluted by states like California and Texas that are failing to enforce immigration laws. Houston is Sanctuary city and it’s estimated more than 750,000 illegals live in and around the city. That is enough to earn Texas a seat in Congress. So while you and I are losing our voice in Washington, some states are artificially expanding their influence by allowing illegal aliens to call those places home.
And lets not forget that the Census is also the basis for Federal funding of just about everything under the sun, which means in addition to getting a disproportionate amount of power in Congress and the Electoral College, billions of additional dollars would flow back to California that it would otherwise receive. The whole argument over whether or not to ask people if they are legal residents of the United States comes down to political power and money. Gee, that’s a surprise.
Let’s be very clear about what this is; this is stealing from states that actually enforce immigration law. States that actually follow the law are getting screwed by not getting the number of seats in Congress they would otherwise deserve under our laws. This is not ok. #BuildTheWall
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