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Steve Gruber, The explosion of hateful rhetoric and antisemitism on campuses all over America

Starting another Brand-New Hour— of The Steve Gruber Show—Coming to you Live from Studio G in the heart of AMERICA—I’m Steve Gruber—Fighting for you from the Foxhole of Freedom—willing to tell you the truth when nobody else will, I will be brutally honest! God Bless America Lets Roll!


And here are 3 Big Things you need to know—to start this hour—


Number One— Amnesty for all—that is the next plan from Joe Biden and his dishonest inner circle—as they plan to try an Executive Order to give illegals married to Americans citizenship without restrictions—


Number Two— And while he is over loading the system with illegals—Joe Biden and his inner circle want to punish and demonize success in America—by driving up the Capital Gains tax—to a soul crushing 44.6%–


Number Three— The explosion of hateful rhetoric and antisemitism on campuses all over America is in full view today— Texas and Florida are cracking down on the hateful mobs—and we will be covering that in detail—