- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Nick Hopwood, Washington, New York and California are looking to add a new payroll tax to pay for long term care

Nick Hopwood, Certified Financial Planner, Founder, and President Peak Wealth. PeakWM.com.

Washington, New York and California are looking to add a new payroll tax to pay for long term care. This is just awful

Don’t ignore the 1099 your broker sent you- check online if you haven’t received one yet from your online bank account or else the IRS will send you a mail audit in 2 years

Bitcoin – back above 70k. Be careful here

Donor advised fund- I just set mine up at Schwab, who is the leader In the space. Donate highly appreciated stock or pull forward an annual gift and benefit on your taxes rather than taking the standard deduction

NVDA is 5% of the s and p 500 whereas the entire energy sector is just 3% of the s and p. I think energy is attractive- after all, who will be powering all these AI data centers?