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Steve Gruber, John Durham has unveiled yet another bombshell in his latest court filing

Live from the No Panic Zone—I’m Steve Gruber—I am America’s Voice—God Bless America this is the Steve Gruber Show— speaking truth to stolen power—and delivering the stone cold truth—every day—


Here are three big things you need to know right now—


ONE— Its Day 42— The war in Ukraine— continues with devastating results—and cries of war crimes and calls for Vladimir Putin to be tried for those crimes—


TWO— The Republicans have turned things around when it comes to fighting unfair gerrymandering—this is big news because for a long time—it looked like the Dems were winning this battle big—


THREE— John Durham—has unveiled yet another bombshell in his latest court filing—and he has outlined an organized conspiracy—facilitated by Hillary Clinton’s campaign to target Donald Trump as a candidate—BUT even worse—the Clintonistas—continued to attack after the election—with the sole purpose of weakening the Presidency of Donald Trump—


This means Hillary Clinton orchestrated an entire smear campaign—that was based entirely of fake stories—made up events—phony sources—everything—the fake Russian dossier was built by Hillary and her co-conspirators—


In fact John Durham—wrote it this way—the Clinton Campaign—her researchers—and others formed a “joint venture or conspiracy”—and that is a damning indictment in and of itself—


Couple that with the growing dumpster fire that is the Hunter Biden Scandal—and all of sudden it seems those chickens are coming home to roost—


Democrats are fighting problems on all fronts—the economy—failed energy policy—foreign policy failures—and now the scandals—