- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Steve Gruber, They can call him Moscow Mitch all they want

Picking up the pieces of shattered leftist dreams and passing out pacifiers— Here to serve—I’m Steve Gruber— God bless America—this is The Steve Gruber Show—


Here are 3 big things you need to know— Right now—


Number 3— With Brexit now just over two weeks away—the UK is not focused on it at all BUT rather the Royal Mess created by Harry and Meghan—at least its something NEW to complain about over tea and crumpets mate— 


Number 2— There is trouble at the commune—it seems Bernie and the Wig Wam lady are just not smoking the peace pipe—weird because its legal everywhere now—and now it seems James O Keefe might just smoke Bernie all by himself—stay tuned—a big stinker is about to be let go—


Number 1—  They can call him Moscow Mitch all they want—but it is looking more and more like ol Mitch is going to man handle the likes of Nancy—and her feckless squad of Swamp Weasels—they may break out of the House for awhile—But Mitch is going to herd them back in—


Tick Tock Tick Tock—Just 293 days to election day 2020