For years, Democrats and their media allies have treated claims of non-citizens voting as nothing more than “far-right conspiracy theories.” Well, pop the popcorn, because reality just crashed their party – again. Yes, over and over again, we have found the Dems to be cheating and part of that is doing everything they can to make it easy for ineligible voters to vote.

According to Just the News, a new election integrity report confirms what anyone with common sense already knew: non-citizens have been registering (and in some cases, voting) thanks to automatic voter registration (AVR). The latest offenders? South Dakota and Oregon.

South Dakota officials recently discovered 273 non-citizens on their voter rolls thanks to their automatic voter registration system at the DMV. After checking their status (which should have been done before adding them to the rolls, but let’s not be picky), they were finally removed.

Meanwhile, in Oregon, things were even worse with 1,617 non-citizens found registered between September and November. But don’t worry, Democrats assure us this is just a minor clerical issue.

Let’s be clear: this isn’t some wacky “accident.” Dems come up with any “rule” they can to make it easy to cheat the system. They want to make voter registration is as easy as ordering a Big Mac with no questions asked – including giving illegal aliens driver’s licenses which conveniently feeds right into the AVR system – all on done purpose because every vote for a Democrat is worth the time and effort to get it.

With 24 states plus D.C. still running these automatic voter registration schemes, don’t be surprised if more “oopsie” discoveries pop up – as the Dems keep telling us that election fraud is a myth.