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No More Sneaking Into the Costco Food Court for Your Hot Dog Deal

Costco’s once-lenient attitude toward food court freeloaders has soured faster than milk left out in the sun. With their new policy, the warehouse giant is finally putting its foot down and demanding a membership card before serving up their famous $1.50 hot dog and soda combo.

Yes, Costco doesn’t want their outdoor food courts to be charity buffets anymore.

Staff will be scanning for cards now.

In the past, sneaking into a Costco food court for a cheap bite was easier than snagging the last slice of cake at a birthday party. But now, those days are as dead as a day-old doughnut. Staff are armed with card scanners, ready to pounce on anyone daring to dine without a membership.

Sure, members might rejoice at the thought of shorter lines, but spare a thought for the nonmembers who’ve been living the high life on Costco’s food deals. They’re now left out in the cold, craving those juicy Costco hot dogs.

Members excited about shorter lines.

Some members on X are celebrating the shorter queues like they’ve just won the food lottery. “No more marathon waits for pizza,” they crow, as if they’ve uncovered the secret recipe for eternal happiness.

And while they’re busy gloating, nonmembers are left grumbling in the corner, wondering where their next cheap meal will come from.

Freeloaders want hot dog equity.

But it’s not just about the food. Some folks are crying foul, claiming that denying access to affordable Costco eats is akin to culinary discrimination. “It’s not fair!” they wail, clutching their empty wallets like a lifeline. Where is the equity???

With his retirement looming, the Costo finance chief doesn’t seem to care much if you’re miffed about no longer getting the cheap hot dog deal. You’ll just have to pay $10 for a package of Biden-era hot dogs like everyone else.