- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Adios, Zuckerbucks!

The sweet taste of victory has been in the air for the Democrats in another highly anticipated rigged election this November… but stop the presses!

According to Breitbart News [1], it looks like Wisconsin voters decisively slammed the door on private funding for their elections this time around. No longer will out-of-state billionaires be able to play puppeteer with the democratic process in the Badger State.

Wisconsin could actually have a free and fair election.

With a resounding 54.4% to 45.6% vote, Wisconsinites sent a clear message: it’s time to kick out the cash and let the ballots speak for themselves.

No more will the sanctity of Wisconsin elections be compromised by the influx of millions of “Zuckerbucks,” as Mark Zuckerberg and wifey Priscilla Chan attempted in the 2020 election.

Democrats will need to plot a new way to cheat in the elections.

Yes, the poor Democrats will have no more “donations” or grants to give to their leftist friends in Wisconsin to swing the election in their favor.

Remember those days when the Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL) thought they could buy democracy with a cool $10 million? Well, those days are over. So sorry, George Soros. You’ll have to find another way to cheat.

Election integrity was on the ballot – and won.

Yes, Wisconsinites have had enough of the outside interference, thank you very much. And it wasn’t just about cutting the purse strings: they went one step further…

The second part of their amendment ensures that only designated election officials can run the show. No more shady characters sneaking in to pull the strings behind the scenes.