- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Today is “Everything You Think is Wrong Day.” Act Accordingly.

Welcome to the most contradictory day of the year! Forget about yesterday’s Pi Day or Sunday’s St. Patrick’s Day because TODAY is the day when everything you think is wrong.

You heard it right. According to the genius who came up with this gem of a holiday, your thoughts are as reliable as a chocolate teapot or President Biden without a nap.

Yes, today, on March 15th, we are celebrating “Everything You Think is Wrong Day [1]” which is pretty much a daily holiday for Democrats.

So, hold onto your misconceptions and embrace the fact that you’re probably wrong about everything. Especially if you are not a conservative.

It’s a humbling experience, really. Today, you’ll want to avoid making any decisions because, well, your brain is apparently on vacation and has left a “gone fishing” sign hanging on the door.

Thinking of starting a conversation? Well, think again! The words “I think” are off-limits today too. In fact, pretend you are a man and don’t think at all. LOL. Don’t start crying now, male snowflakes! It was just a joke. Geez…

Instead of thinking, just act like a Democrat. Sit back, relax, and marvel at your own lack of knowledge. It’s liberating, in a confusing sort of way.

You’ll be better off spending your day binging old Gunsmoke episodes or brushing your cat instead of interacting with those of us who are right about everything just about every day.

As for celebrating, you might think it’s okay to point out how wrong everyone else is. But guess what? You’d be wrong!