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RFK Jr. Goes Shopping for a Running Mate

In the world of political fanfare, where buzzwords buzz and rumors rumble, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s quest for a vice-presidential sidekick has turned into a circus of possibilities.

From star athletes to former wrestlers, the lineup reads more like a guest list for a surreal dinner party than a conventional political campaign.

Kennedy campaign mum about who the VP will be.

Kennedy’s campaign, shrouded in secrecy, refuses to confirm anything. They’re holding their cards closer than a squirrel hoarding nuts for winter.

Will it be Nicole Shanahan, the Bay Area lawyer, or perhaps, brace yourselves, New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers? Because nothing says “White House material” like a guy who can throw a football across a field. I guess that’s better than Biden who can barely walk from a podium to the exit.

Former wrestler in the mix.

But wait, there’s more…Enter Jesse “The Body” Ventura, ready to body-slam his way into the vice presidency. And let’s not forget Mike Rowe, the embodiment of hard work and dirty jobs, possibly gearing up to clean up the mess in Washington.

Who knew that hosting a show about sewage treatment plants could be a resume booster for the Oval Office? He might be JUST WHAT WE need to clean up the B.S. in D.C. and the rest of the country. And we can adios the word salads of VP Harris.

When will the announcement be made?

Kennedy said about the announcement, “On Tuesday, March 26th, in Oakland, California, I will announce the partner that I’ve chosen to help lead America into a brighter vision of peace, prosperity, and unity. We would be honored for you to join us for this historic announcement.”

Andrew Yang and Tulsi Gabbard apparently took a hard pass on joining the Kennedy train. Even Senator Rand Paul got a nod.

Robbins: “The path to success is to take massive, determined action”

And let’s not forget the star-studded surprises. Tony Robbins, the motivational speaker extraordinaire, could be trading his self-help books for a spot on the ticket. If anyone can pep-talk their way into the White House, it’s probably the guy who made millions convincing people they can walk on fire.

In the end, Kennedy promises a surprise that will make our heads spin faster than a top. Who will it be? A tech mogul? A sports star? A motivational speaker? Your guess is as good as mine, folks. But one thing’s for sure: with this cast of characters, the 2024 election is shaping up to be a blockbuster.