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Party Time: Michigan’s Booze Bosses Lose Track of 62,000 Bottles

Looks like the Michigan Liquor Control Commission (MLCC) might be been hitting the bottle a bit too hard lately, and not just for the fun of it. With a whopping 62,000 bottles of booze gone AWOL, it seems they’ve mastered the art of disappearing acts better than Houdini himself.

An investigation by the Office of the Auditor General (OAG) unveiled that over 62,000 state-owned liquor bottles had vanished, exposing significant accounting discrepancies. The combined value of these missing bottles amounted to nearly $1 million, representing over a whopping 20 percent of the total inventory.

The MLCC has been unable to furnish any details regarding the whereabouts of the missing stock, compelling them to issue refunds to all vendors affected by the disappearance.

State Rep. Tom Kunse (R-Clare), not one to sip silently, is shaking his head at the MLCC’s boozy blunder saying, “I’m sorry, but how is it even possible that the MLCC could be so mismanaged that 62,000 bottles of anything could just go missing?”

He went on to say, “There are clearly deep issues within the commission that must be addressed. Just because we are talking about alcohol doesn’t make these problems any less concerning. We would all be fixated on finding solutions if the Department of Corrections said it lost 62,000 prisoners or Treasury said it lost 20 percent of tax revenues.”

The Office of the Auditor General (OAG) stumbled upon a whole barrel of accounting failures while poking around. Turns out, the MLCC couldn’t even keep tabs on its own spending spree, with $1.1 billion in spirit orders disappearing into thin air faster than a tequila shot at happy hour.

And if that wasn’t enough to give you a hangover, the MLCC’s generosity knows no bounds – they’ve been handing out liquor licenses like candy at a kid’s birthday party.

Three businesses, banned from peddling the good stuff, managed to sneak $272,139 worth of sales under the MLCC’s inebriated radar. Talk about pouring fuel on the fire!

With liquor bottles going AWOL faster than you can say “last call,” perhaps it’s time for the MLCC to swap their shot glasses for magnifying glasses.

Or maybe Michigan Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer should be appointing and hiring competent workers instead of ones who are her favorite gender, race, ethnicity or political party. And it’s certainly not going to help anything that she’s proposing deep cuts to the budget of the OAG office even though she’s got stacks of our tax money piling up left and right.