- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Illegal Aliens Are the Ones Who Have all the Rights and Resources in America Now

As you look around you every day, you might feel like you are a visitor in your own country. As your own rights are being stripped away by the Democrats (freedom of speech, gun rights, etc.), the illegal aliens are, at the same time, gaining all kinds of rights and resources in America.

In Illinois, they can own guns [1].

In Washington DC, they can vote [2].

Homeland Security passes legislation with huge pile of money for illegal aliens.

And because of our newly passed Homeland Security budget, they can continue to get all sorts of resources [3] from NGOs (non-governmental orgs) so they can continue to live comfortably in our country.

In addition to all of the money that states are paying towards illegal aliens – and all of the grant money going to the NGOs and non-profits and churches, the Homeland Security budget, according to Lora Ries, director of the Border Security and Immigration Center at the Heritage Foundation, provides “over a billion dollars more for assisting mass migration…to feed and shelter and provide other services to illegal aliens.”

So what do WE get as Americans?

American citizens get the shaft.

We get the pleasure of paying for everything with our tax dollars.

We get to pay for their housing and health care and the education for their children. And much much more.

And it doesn’t matter if they are criminals or terrorists – because Biden certainly doesn’t care. That’s just the price we have to pay to get their future Democratic voters into the country.

We also get to pay dearly on the back end as well – with increased crime, sex trafficking, drugs, disease and lots and lots of other negative repercussions of Biden’s open borders.