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A New Campaign Slogan for President Biden: “I Ain’t Dead Yet.”

Yes, the standards to be president (at least the ones for Democrats) have fallen to a new low with has-been Geraldo Rivera declaring on the social media platform X that our older-than-dirt president is fit for another term in office because “he ain’t dead yet.”

A SOTU speech for the ages.

Because Biden was able to stay awake during the entire SOTU speech [2] and not fall down on his face or forget where he was, the Democratic Party thinks the whole thing was just about the best speech ever.

Rivera said about Biden’s chance of keeping himself in the Oval Office: “Assuming he doesn’t lose a step in the next 8 months, last night President Biden re-established himself as a credible alternative to former President Trump. Sharp, feisty, confident, competent, watch for the polls to move Biden’s way. He ain’t dead yet.”

Sounds like a great slogan. I think Biden should run with that: “I ain’t dead yet.” I think that’s a winner.

Decades and decades and decades of life experience.

After all, the old man has 82 years of life experience under his belt and political savvy that spans several decades. His political journey began in the days when rotary phones were the pinnacle of communication technology and now he’s X-ing and TikTok-ing policy updates to a generation that thinks “LOL” is a profound political statement.

He’s got this. Don’t worry.

Republican skeptics might continue to question his mental acuity and physical stamina, but Biden remains undeterred, determined to show the world that he’s not just older than dirt and that he’s still got some kick in his seasoned limbs even though Father Time is chasing him down.

Biden’s age is not just a number; it’s a historical artifact. He’s seen the rise and fall of fashion trends, the invention of the wheel, witnessed the birth of the Al Gore’s internet, and probably has a few vinyl records and 8-track tapes collecting dust in the basement. Yet, despite the cultural and technological shifts, Biden insists he’s the man for the job.

Everything is okay because Obama is still running the show.

But really, the only age and competency we should be concerned with is Obama’s. After all, it’s Barack and the previous Obama administration who is still running the White House.

No one (not even the Democrats) actually believe that Biden is in charge of the country.

So even if Dementia Joe confuses Snapchat with snail mail, it’s no big deal because he’s merely the frontman in a well-orchestrated band of thieves and mob bosses.

As long as Biden isn’t dead yet, neither is the Obama presidency.