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The Armed Forces are No More Revved Up About Electric Vehicles Than the Rest of Us

It’s not just the regular Joe and Joleen who doesn’t want to be forced into an electric vehicle. It’s the armed forces too.

According to the National Defense Magazine [1], there was a tactical electric vehicle expo last September in San Diego where Defense Department personnel were invited. About 500 “stakeholders” and “decision-makers” from across the military services showed up. They were probably hoping for the best – but it doesn’t look like they were very impressed.

Army says the technology isn’t ready.

Although there will be a full-blown convention for interested parties sometime this year, the expo that was already held amidst what the National Defense Magazine calls “clear misgivings from the Army and the Marine Corps (the Defense Department’s primary purchasers of tactical vehicles) about the readiness of tactical EV technology and the way forward to development and acquisition.”

According to the article, last June, Lt. Gen. Ross Coffman, deputy commanding general of Army Futures Command, had said “the technology does not exist” to create an all-electric tank that can charge in the “tactically relevant” 15-minute time window the service wants.

The Marine Corps, according to the article, instead of looking to all-electric tactical vehicles are “preferring to invest in fuel-saving retrofits and cautiously develop a hybrid truck while waiting for technology to mature.”

The Army is pushing ahead a little faster in the EV area but they’re not completely sold on the idea either. At least not yet.

A dangerous freak show if an electric vehicle gets hits with explosives.

Besides all of the obvious issues that exist with EVs, I’m thinking that the biggest ones is what could happen if they are in an accident – or blown up. Talk about a freak show of fire and health hazards.

But the armed forces might not have a choice about going eco-friendly with the Democrats’ goal of “making every vehicle in the U.S. military climate-friendly.”

What a joke the Democrats are.

Eco-friendly vehicles shouldn’t be the goal of our “defense” department.

I guess the Dems don’t care if Army vehicles catch on fire when they are driving through a flooded area. Or if they run out of a charge in the middle of a battle. Or anything else happens to them because they aren’t conducive to actual military fighting.

But then, Democrats have never really cared much about actually winning wars hence the Ukraine/ Russia quagmire.

It would be nice if the Democrats worried more about having war-ready vehicles instead of eco- friendly ones. I think, for the time being, they had better stick to using the electrics on bases in the homeland and not anywhere of any importance.