- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Russian President Vladimir Putin Endorses Joe Biden for President

You couldn’t have better confirmation that President Joe Biden is leading the “Make America Suck Again” movement than an endorsement from Russian President Vladimir Putin.

President Joe Biden is feckless against our foreign enemies. They look at him and laugh. He is weak and never seems to be on the side of America. That emboldens our enemies to do whatever they want. And they do.

Putin chooses Biden over Trump.

In multiple media stories, it is reported Putin has endorsed Biden for president as the “more predictable” person to work with.

Of course Biden is predictable. Old Man Joey will ALWAYS do what’s best for the pocketbooks of his family and what’s worse for America. That is a given. Predictable.

Putin gave the Biden endorsement during a state-owned TV interview in Russia last week and came out as supporting Biden over Trump in a hypothetical (but likely) match- up.

Biden, the old-school guy, will be easy to deal with for our enemies.

About Biden, Putin said, “He’s more experienced, more predictable. He’s an old-school politician.”

Putin also says that Biden is as sharp as a tack. In his interview, Putin said, “People were already saying then that he wasn’t up to it. I didn’t see anything of the kind.”


White House not happy about Putin endorsement.

The “White House” however doesn’t welcome Putin’s nod to old Joey [1]. Spokesperson Andrew Bates said in a statement to NBC News, “Mr. Putin should stay out of America’s elections.”

Yes, the job of election interference is better left to the Democrats, not the Russians.