- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Keep Voting for Democrats and Soon Your Whole Country Will Be Closed

Democrat policies like defunding police, open borders, letting folks out of jail with no bail and decriminalizing drugs has consequences. REAL consequences.

Democrat cities are becoming cesspools and crime magnets with unchecked illegal immigration and policies that coddle criminals.

Businesses all over the country are closing down because of crime, homelessness and drug addicts who are living on the streets.

Squad member says closing Walgreens because of crime is racist.

In Boston, leftist Squad member, Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass) laughably has accused Walgreens of being “racist [1]” for having to close down their store because of the crime in the area. Maybe she should have been a better politician and given her lecture to the criminals.

Pressley says Walgreens is “abandoning” low-income communities. No, they are abandoning neighborhoods who vote for Democratic politicians whose policies cause and proliferate crime in their cities.

Oakland is losing businesses right and left.

And in Oakland, another Democratic crime cesspool, they are closing up shop at a Denny’s [2] that has been in the neighborhood for 54 years citing the “safety” and “well-being” of their customers and employees.

They closed after having an armed robbery at the restaurant last month and other thefts and break-ins over the past few years.

Additionally, an IN-N-OUT Burger has also closed in an area close to the Oakland airport because of rampant crime – property damage, car break-ins, theft and armed robbery.

Democrats are causing this.

Are Democrat voters going to wake up to what’s going on? What will it take? Is this it?

Only time, and the next elections, will tell.