- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

It’s Never too Late to Learn. Seize the Opportunity Because Time Waits for No One.

I remember having a discussion a few years ago with my husband about him taking some cooking classes. “I’m too old,” was his excuse for not doing it. I told him he would be just as old at the end of year sitting at home on his rear end as he would be in the class.

The truth is, for me at least, the older I get, the MORE I want to do. The MORE I want to learn. And luckily, as a writer, I learn things every day. I have to do a lot of research so I learn about politics, history, Michigan, deer, legislation, bacon and so many other things.

There is just not enough time in the day to do what I want to do.

Getting inspired to learn and be more productive

But I get inspiration from a quote in my bathroom by H. Jackson Brown Jr. that says, “Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.”

That’s pretty sobering as the hands of the clock keep moving around…

And I’m not saying that I’ll do anything important like Keller, Michelangelo or Einstein. But it reminds me that everyone has the same amount of time and some people are more productive than others. It’s about dedication, time management and perseverance to start something and get it Qinished.

There are so many opportunities out there

Truth be told, if I had the time, I’d have about a dozen different careers. Homicide detective, FBI analyst, podcast developer/writer, animal shelter director, TV script writer, comedy writer for SNL (the show sucks)…there are a lot of cool things out there to choose from.

Don’t forget to have fun

The days are never long enough for me. I need more time. I have to prioritize my time and I always feel like I fall short, especially with the fun stuff like reading books, playing with the dog, organizing the house (okay, that’s not always “fun”), Qilling in my adult coloring books, Qilling in words in my Qill-in books, watching true crime shows, exploring northern lower Michigan and going to the beach…and that’s on top of all of the articles that I want to write and haven’t gotten to yet.

Today’s project…

Lately, I’ve been looking into ways to improve my writing and also how to make better posts on the website. I want to generate better, more easily-read articles. Part of that is learning brevity, which is deQinitely NOT my strong suit. There’s just SO MUCH important information I need to tell you! So I often go overboard.

But I’m trying. I’m learning. I’m a work in progress.

How I’m doing something to make your reading experience better

This week’s experiment is two-fold: adding subheads to articles so you can access needed information faster – and learning how to embed an X social media post in one of my articles. Yes, besides being a writer, I’m also a graphic designer and also a web designer for different companies on different platforms – and I need to get better at using those platforms.

I have access to the Gruber website to post my stories so I’m trying to learn more about WordPress to make the experience better for you AND for me.

So if you see an embedded tweet (i.e. X post) below then I’ve been successful and learned something this week.

What’s next?

Next project: learn more about my iPhone.

Your embedded X post for the day: