- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Hunter Biden’s Capitol Hill Circus

Boy, did the circus arrive on Capitol Hill this Wednesday when Hunter Biden pulled the biggest political and PR stunt any of us have seen in some time.

Hunter gave an impromptu press conference after flaunting a subpoena to testify about his business dealings a few weeks ago. It was a bad look and possibly damaging to his dad, who is the focus of a widening scandal and impeachment effort.

But on Wednesday, as two separate committees got together to discuss finding Hunter in contempt of Congress for that stunt, he decided to pull a much bigger one and rolled into the hearing itself.

And that sent the room into a frenzy.

I think it was about as poor of a decision as Hunter could have made, and I wonder if his attorneys advised him to take that flashy gamble for the whole world to see.

To me, it screamed You cannot touch me. I am not like you. I have privilege, and nothing can ever be done to me because my daddy is President.”

Hunter went in and caught some jabs from Republican members before making a swift exit as Marjorie Taylor Greene began a line of questions.

The crazy thing is that some Democrats, like Jim Clyburn, thought this was a good look for Hunter and Joe. Absolute insanity. Get ready for more of this as we count down the days to November. The circus is here to stay.